Autor: admin
Datum objave: 08.09.2015

10 Signs Of Genuine People

Only God Can Give You Life. Start A Personal Relationship With God Now!

10 Signs Of Genuine People  

Only God Can Give You Life. Start A Personal Relationship With God Now!

Who doesn’t like what is genuine, authentic and original? Being genuine is a trademark of success as this quality boosts self-confidence and primes vision and focus. Genuine people don’t need to fake it or pretend to be what or who they are not as there are no privileges for them to live under such a guise. However being genuine in a world where there is a lot of attention and publicity offered to products, individuals or items which end up betraying our trust makes it hard for us to be genuine. Yet it is worth it. Here is how one can know if they are genuine.

1. They protect their self esteem

Genuine people are not concerned about external factors that could bruise their esteem. They don’t need validation from their external environment since they are much less defensive about a lot of things. They are instead happy and content with who they are.

2. They speak their mind

Genuine people are expressive. They are not shy about sharing their thoughts or perspectives about a subject. They understand that their opinions count. It is not as if they are trying to convince others about what they have to say, rather they feel relevant enough to be heard.

3. They can define their paths

They know where they are going. They do not need to be pushed by conventional thoughts or opinions on how to achieve or attain their goals. They can discover the adequate channels to take as they have an internal guide on how to pursue their passions or goals. They can forge an entirely new path in the process of getting to their destination.

4. They can take responsibility

They understand that life is a mix of wrongs and right and nothing is perfect. As much as they are able to confront their thoughts, beliefs and behaviors, they know how to identify their faults and accept them if their actions from them hurt others.

5. They can offer and take a compliment

They are able to offer their gratitude and accept one too. They see a compliment for what it is and do not strain such expressions. They do not over-think it or find reasons for not accepting a well displayed form of gratitude. They understand the flow of life and how much they can help in channeling that flow of acceptance and giving.

6. They do not judge others

Since they are honest about their abilities and they know they are not perfect they find reason to give room to others mistakes and opinions. Other humans should be given the opportunity to express themselves as we all have differing beliefs and opinions. They are not judgmental of others.

7. They are not insecure

They are not masked with feelings of inferiority or insecurity. They really are not concerned about other people’s opinion as they are confident and simply themselves. They do not adjust their lifestyle for you to like them or not.

8. They are not threatened by failure

Genuine people see failure as a way of learning. They are not afraid to try something new and go down an unconventional route if it will be a source of experience, knowledge and satisfaction. They are far from trying to take a route because it guarantees safety and security. Rather they are happy with doing something other people are not doing to challenge the norm.

9. They practice what they preach and preach what they practice

You can count on them practicing what they preach. They are solid and predictable. They meet their commitments and do not try to exaggerate in their deeds or words. As genuine people they are not trying to live their lives according to other people’s standard. Even when it is hard to practice authenticity they know the importance of informing others why it is necessary to practice it. Whether it is a tough truth or not, they will still preach it.

10. They don’t need possessions from their surroundings to be happy

They are happy with who they are already. They are comfortable with their inner self and what is within provides the most happiness. They can find happiness in their work, their loved ones, and in their self. These simple things are enough for them to be happy. This is why they do not seek happiness from the outside whether in terms of possessions or people’s comments about them.

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13 Things People Who Are Tough On the Outside But Soft On the Inside Never Told You

Have you ever met people who are like eggs? They are tough on the outside but soft on the inside. Initially, they seem rather unapproachable and cold, but as you get to know them, you discover that they have a warm side too.

People who are outwardly tough are easily mistaken as rocks. They are respected for their strength and confidence, but at the same time, other people feel intimidated by their achievements or feel incompetent around them. Some might even mistake their confidence as arrogance. They are typically not the first people you approach to be friends with.

However, some of these people have a heart of gold. If you take the time to understand them, you might find a friend for life. Not only are they warm and caring, they have the mental toughness to help you resolve your problems. If you have a friend who is tough on the outside but soft on the inside, treasure them.

Here are 13 things to help you get to know them better, so that you can be better friends with them.

1. They don’t know how to talk about intimate feelings.

Tough people are easily mistaken as cold because they don’t express their feelings much. But it’s not that they don’t have any feelings. It’s just that they find it difficult to express their emotions in words. Don’t force them to talk about their feelings. It’s just not one of their strengths.

2. They are blunt because they care about you.

Tough people have a different approach when it comes to caring for others. They are usually very honest and direct with their words. Sometimes, they may sound harsh and critical. But they are not trying to be mean. They genuinely want to help you. They are just not someone who is soft in their delivery.

3. They get hurt by unkind words too.

Although they are blunt, they mean well. If someone else was to misunderstand their kindness and call them offensive names, they do feel the pain inside. They might act like nothing is wrong on the outside, but it hurts them as much as it hurts you in the inside. They are normal human beings.

4. They don’t listen to your troubles when they know they can’t help you.

Again, it’s not because they don’t care. It’s because they know they can’t help you. They understand that the key to a better life depends on the individual. If you don’t want to change your life for the better, there’s nothing they can do about it. So they don’t waste time listening to you complain about stuff that you don’t wish to change.

5. They have problems too.

They aren’t supermen or wonder women. Just because they are tough doesn’t mean they have no problems at all. They don’t complain and whine to others because they know that complaining and whining don’t help the situation at all. So they prefer to spend time alone thinking how to resolve their problems themselves.

6. They need help from other people too.

Tough people are self-sufficient and independent. They can do a lot of things on their own. But they need help from other people too. Sometimes, they may not know how to approach others or feel shy about asking others for help. As a friend, you should offer them help once in a while even if they are silent about it.

7. They are afraid to appear weak.

One reason why tough people don’t display their emotions publicly is because they are afraid to be seen as weak or pushovers. They are afraid that others might take advantage of their vulnerability, so they prefer to hide their feelings away from public view.

8. They build walls to protect themselves emotionally.

Tough people have their insecurities too. They find it hard to be vulnerable and emotionally close to another person because they might have been hurt by others in the past. So they put on a strong front to protect themselves from getting hurt again.

9. They have a hard time opening up themselves.

They feel deeply but they have a hard time opening up themselves to others. They only open up to friends they trust and keep new people they meet at a safe distance. It takes time for them to trust other people. So be patient with them and allow them to reveal themselves to you slowly.

10. They don’t trust their emotions that much.

Although they are softies inside, they don’t really trust their emotions. They believe that showing emotions is a sign of weakness. They are also afraid that their emotions will guide them wrongly. So they prefer to rely on their logical thinking and mental toughness to make those hard decisions.

11. They are much harder on themselves than on others.

If you think that their expectation of you is high, think of their expectation of themselves. It’s so much higher. As bonding with others wasn’t their best strength growing up, they focus on achievements and working hard instead. Being tough is how they get to where they are in life. They see the value in it, so they keep challenging themselves to higher standards.

12. They take their relationships seriously.

Tough people with a tender heart tend to be selective with their friends and choose their relationships carefully. They have fewer friends but they are close with their friends. They are supportive and loyal to their friends despite appearing uncaring.

13. They need love and connection like everyone else.

They might appear uninterested in love and relationships. But deep down inside, they wish to find a loving partner and want to be loved. They can be really shy about dating. And their independence might push potential partners away. As a friend, be there for them and talk to them when they feel alone.

Conclusion: Be Kind With Tough People

Next time you meet a tough person, be in their shoes and be friendly towards them. Understand that some of them are just protecting their tender hearts with a strong front. And if you are friends with tough people, keep in touch with them. They might be independent, but they need friends too.

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