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Datum objave: 01.10.2019

Art Aragon

Arthur Benjamin Aragon (November 13, 1927 – March 25, 2008 was a Mexican-American boxer in the lightweight from New Mexico

Art Aragon

Arthur Benjamin Aragon (November 13, 1927 – March 25, 2008 was a Mexican-American boxer in the lightweight from New Mexico.

Aragon was a native of Belen, New Mexico, but grew up in East Los Angeles. He was married four times and engaged a fifth time. He had six acknowledged children. After retiring from boxing, Aragon went into the bail bonds business and pursued acting roles. He converted to Judaism later in life and is buried in a Jewish cemetery in Los Angeles.

Art Aragon Beats Chuck Davey This Day February 18, 1954

Art Aragon

Art Aragon

Art Aragon’s Sweetest Ladies

Fans packed my headline shows at the Olympic Auditorium. Most booed me. But I guarantee some also wanted me to win…

Hey, in the 1950s I owned L.A., had the town to myself, maybe shared it a little with the Rams. Not to brag, but I was one of the best looking guys around, better than most actors whose girlfriends I plugged whenever I wanted. I really wasn’t Arrogant Art, though. I just enjoyed looking down on opponents. You gotta be tough in the ring. I should’ve been born later. I’d have been junior welterweight champ, guaranteed. But it was either lightweight at 135 pounds or welterweight at 147. I had to squeeze my balls to make the former or battle bigger boxers in the latter. Still, I knocked out 62 guys.

Fans packed my headline shows at the Olympic Auditorium. Most booed me. But I guarantee some also wanted me to win, especially wives and girlfriends who’d suddenly become interested in the manly art. Lots of guys didn’t like that. What could they do? If they messed with me in a bar or on the street, and that includes giving the wrong look, I’d kick ass. An occasional arrest didn’t bother me. Neither did court. But it got expensive. Most of the time I was fighting to pay lawyers and former wives.

I really should’ve been champion. Here’s what I mean. In 1951, strong and lively at 142 pounds, I decisioned lightweight champ Jimmy Carter in a non-title fight. Less than three months later, starving and sweating myself to make 135, I wobbled around the ring, getting dominated by the same guy. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking in 1958 when I put on soft weight and fought Carmen Basilio, a brawler who’d been welterweight and middleweight champ and recently split decisions with Sugar Ray Robinson. Carmen pummeled me for eight rounds.

Less than two years later I quit, dizzy all the time. Try getting belted in the head for a living. I won’t lie. Boxing’s a terrible sport. I preferred being with broads. Can’t give you the whole list. Space limits us. But I’ll tell you I dated Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield. Imagine what they were like.

George Thomas Clark is the author of Uppercuts: Tales from the Ring, a collection of boxing stories available as an eBook at and other Digital Stores. His short story collection, The Bold Investor, is also available. See the author’s website at

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Art Aragon vs Carmen Basilio Part 1

jimmy carter vs art aragon ll

Marilyn Monroe - At the Gilmore Field in Los Angeles 1952. RARE

Jayne Mansfield Uncensored Rare Footage Stag Film

Art Aragon | Chuck Davey 1/1

Art “Golden Boy” Aragon

Professional Boxer, Actor. He was a former lightweight contender. Born in Belen, New Mexico and later residing in Los Angeles, he fought such notable opponents as Billy Graham, Johnny Gonsalves, Jimmy Carter and Carmen Basilio. He would retire from boxing in 1960 after compiling a record of 90 wins, 20 losses with 6 draws in 116 bouts, and was later inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame. During the 1950s into the 1970s, Aragon would have sporadic acting roles in films which include parts in the Audie Murphy pictures, "To Hell and Back" (1955) and "World in My Corner" (1956). His other credits include, "Off Limits" (1953) and "Fat City" (1972). He died after suffering a stroke.

*RARE* Censored JAYNE MANSFIELD Trailer for Exploitation Film SPREE (1967)

This 1967 Las Vegas exploitation film was censored for featuring stripteases and nude scenes, and starred Jayne Mansfield and Juliet Prowse. *** If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up, leave positive feedback and subscribe to my channel. Thanks! ***

Jayne Mansfield - Too Hot To Handle

Marilyn Monroe - " Out of This World", Charity Baseball 1952

September 15, 1952, Marilyn Monroe kicks off a baseball game for charity, organized the sixth annual "Out of this World Series baseball charity game," Gilmore Field Stadium in Los Angeles. Among the participants: the boxer Art Aragon, and Mickey Rooney and Dale Robertson actors. Marilyn wore a pink dress with which she was promoting the film Niagara. Photographs by Murray Garrett.

Dale Robertson

Dayle Lymoine Robertson (July 14, 1923 – February 27, 2013) was an American actor best known for his starring roles on television. He played the roving investigator Jim Hardie in the television series Tales of Wells Fargo and Ben Calhoun, the owner of an incomplete railroad line in The Iron Horse. He often was presented as a deceptively thoughtful but modest Western hero. From 1968 to 1970, Robertson was the fourth and final host of the anthology series Death Valley Days.

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