Autor: admin
Datum objave: 03.08.2015

Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The 70th Anniversary - 1945. - 2015.

Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Nuclear Bomb - Hiroshima - 6 August 1945

Rare footage of Nagasaki atomic bombing

The Hiroshima and Nagasaki film they didn't want us to see

The film Hiroshima-Nagasaki 1945 was created in 1968 from Japanese footage that the US Defense Department had kept hidden for over 20 years. The filmmaker Erik Barnouw offered his 16 minute film to all the US main channels. None of them showed it. Why is obvious when looking at this three minute excert.

The atom bombs dropped by the US on those Japenese cities served no military purpose, as the Japanese were already suing for peace. President Truman, who ordered the bombs to be dropped, lied to the American people when he said that the atom bombs had saved lives and there were few civilian deaths. Up to 200,000 were killed.

Seeing the barbarous effect of these weapons, did our political and military leaders decide to rid the world of them? Far from it. Today's nuclear weapons make the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs look like water pistols in comparison, and there are enough of them to destroy not just cities but the whole world.

And who has most of these weapons of mass destruction? The only country to ever use them -- the United States.

Seconds from Disaster Nagasaki

Hiroshima y Nagasaki la verdad de las bombas atómicas del Complejo Militar Industrial norteamericano

Hiroshima y Nagasaki: la sangre facturada.

Los estallidos de Hiroshima y Nagasaki más que por razones militares estratégicas fueron impulsados por los intereses comerciales de las multinacionales del Complejo Militar Industrial norteamericano, en especial las armamentistas, que cuentan con un lobby militar permanente en la Casa Blanca. La carrera armamentista (nuclear, convencional y espacial), cuyo presupuesto hoy supera el billón de dólares, tuvo su punto de partida en Hiroshima y Nagasaki. Cómo se articuló y quienes son los que lucran con el "negocio nuclear".

Los estallidos de Hiroshima y Nagasaki -así lo demuestran las investigaciones independientes- más que por razones militares estratégicas fueron impulsados por los intereses de las corporaciones del Complejo Militar Industrial norteamericano, en especial las armamentistas, que cuentan con un lobby militar permanente en la Casa Blanca.

Las bombas de Hiroshima y Nagasaki no fueron arrojadas para "evitar más muertes" ni para precipitar la "rendición" del Japón: fueron lanzadas para iniciar la carrera armamentista (y consecuentemente el incremento sideral de la tasa de ganancias de las corporaciones del Complejo Militar Industrial que financiaron el proyecto de bombardeo), y lanzar un alerta amedrentador a la Unión Soviética, la otra potencia con capacidad nuclear.

El genocidio aterrador de Hiroshima y Nagasaki le sirvió a los bancos y corporaciones (amparados por el Estado Nacional norteamericano) para instalar la carrera armamentista y la carrera espacial debajo de los acuerdos de "coexistencia pacífica" que mantenía al poder nuclear como efecto "disuasivo".

El marco nuclear de la "coexistencia pacífica" (además de alimentar el negocio de las corporaciones aeroespaciales) sirvió de cáscara para desarrollar la confrontación por "áreas de influencia" entre EEUU y la URSS durante la Guerra Fría, mediante la cual la "industria de la guerra" (convencional y nuclear) facturó ganancias en armamento cuyo presupuesto mundial hoy supera el billón de dólares.

En términos prácticos, y en números, la masacre nuclear de Hiroshima y Nagasaki sirvió a las trasnacionales y bancos para instalar la industria y la financiación del armamentismo (nuclear y convencional) tomado como "efecto disuasivo" para "evitar que sucedan" otras tragedias similares.

La carrera armamentista (nuclear y convencional) alimenta los contratos y las ganancias de los consorcios agrupados en ese monstruo llamado Complejo Militar Industrial norteamericano.

En su último informe Project on Government Oversight (POGO, Proyecto de Supervisión Gubernamental), un grupo con sede en Washington que vigila el gasto militar, señaló que, entre enero de 1997 y mayo de 2004, sólo 20 grandes proveedores recibieron más del 40 por ciento de los 244.000 millones de dólares en contratos del gobierno federal estadounidense.

Entre los consorcios que se benefician en primer lugar de esta práctica se cuentan Lockheed Martin, la gigante aeroespacial Boeing, Northrop Grumman, contratista de la Fuerza Aérea, Raytheon, y General Dynamics.

Boeing, fabricó los bombarderos que transportaron las bombas de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, e integró el "lobby militar" que promovió e impulsó el proyecto compuesto entre otros por, Carnegie, Dupont, Westinghouse, Union Carbide, Tenesee Eastman, Kellogg, y Monsanto.

Strikes on Hokkaidō and northern Honshū resumed on 9 August, the day the second atomic bomb was dropped.

After the Japanese agreed to surrender, Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser of the Royal Navy, the Commander of the British Pacific Fleet, boarded Missouri on 16 August and conferred the honour of Knight of the British Empire upon Admiral Halsey. Missouri transferred a landing party of 200 officers and men to the battleship Iowa for temporary duty with the initial occupation force for Tokyo on 21 August. Missouri herself entered Tokyo Bay early on 29 August to prepare for the signing by Japan of the official instrument of surrender.High-ranking military officials of all the Allied Powers were received on board on 2 September, including Chinese General Hsu Yung-Ch'ang, British Admiral-of-the-Fleet Sir Bruce Fraser, Soviet Lieutenant-General Kuzma Nikolaevich Derevyanko, Australian General Sir Thomas Blamey, Canadian Colonel Lawrence Moore Cosgrave, French Général d'Armée Philippe Leclerc de Hautecloque, Dutch Vice Admiral Conrad Emil Lambert Helfrich, and New Zealand Air Vice Marshal Leonard M. Isitt.

Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz boarded shortly after 0800, and General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, the Supreme Commander for the Allies, came on board at 0843. The Japanese representatives, headed by Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu, arrived at 0856. At 0902, General MacArthur stepped before a battery of microphones and opened the 23-minute surrender ceremony to the waiting world by stating, "It is my earnest hope—indeed the hope of all mankind—that from this solemn occasion a better world shall emerge out of the blood and carnage of the past, a world founded upon faith and understanding, a world dedicated to the dignity of man and the fulfillment of his most cherished wish for freedom, tolerance, and justice."

During the surrender ceremony, the deck of Missouri was decorated with a 31-star American flag that had been taken ashore by Commodore Matthew Perry in 1853 after his squadron of "Black Ships" sailed into Tokyo Bay to force the opening of Japan's ports to foreign trade. This flag was actually displayed with the reverse side showing, i.e., stars in the upper right corner: the historic flag was so fragile that the conservator at the Naval Academy Museum had sewn a protective linen backing to one side to help secure the fabric from deteriorating, leaving its "wrong side" visible. The flag was displayed in a wood-framed case secured to the bulkhead overlooking the surrender ceremony. Another U.S. flag was raised and flown during the occasion, a flag that some sources have indicated was in fact that flag which had flown over the U.S. Capitol on 7 December 1941. This is not true; it was a flag taken from the ship's stock, according to Missouri's Commanding Officer, Captain Stuart "Sunshine" Murray, and it was "...just a plain ordinary GI-issue flag".

By 09:30 the Japanese emissaries had departed. In the afternoon of 5 September, Admiral Halsey transferred his flag to the battleship South Dakota, and early the next day Missouri departed Tokyo Bay. As part of the ongoing Operation Magic Carpet she received homeward bound passengers at Guam, then sailed unescorted for Hawaii. She arrived at Pearl Harbor on 20 September and flew Admiral Nimitz's flag on the afternoon of 28 September for a reception

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