Autor: admin
Datum objave: 19.06.2020

Bolton's book makes it clear: Trump is the amoral charlatan we knew he was

The president has eroded norms, broken laws, and installed cronies who facilitate his corrupt reign. How much more can we take?

Bolton's book makes it clear: Trump is the amoral charlatan we knew he was

Michael H Fuchs n/19/john-bolton-book-trump-china

The president has eroded norms, broken laws, and installed cronies who facilitate his corrupt reign. How much more can we take?

With those in power failing us …

… at this historic moment, we demand better. From the covid pandemic and police brutality to the marginalisation of minority communities around the world, leadership is broken. Devoid of the humility and inclusivity we so desperately need, leaders are gambling with public health, safety and the future of younger generations. Lacking in honesty and transparency, poor at crisis management, and given to narcissism, our leaders unapologetically prioritise serving themselves over the people they were elected to serve. We have to make them raise their game.

That’s what the Guardian’s here for. As an open, independent news organisation we investigate, interrogate and expose the incompetence and indifference of those in power, without fear. Our journalism is free from political and commercial bias – this makes us different. We can give a voice to the oppressed and neglected, and stand in solidarity with those who are calling for a fairer future. With your help we can bring about improvement.

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