Autor: admin
Datum objave: 10.05.2018


Vremešni znanstvenik je i na dan svoje smrti pokazivao veliku želju i nestrpljivost da konačno 'ode s ovog svijeta'


UGLEDNI AUSTRALSKI ZNANSTVENIK (104) EUTANAZIRAN U KLINICI U ŠVICARSKOJ Doktori šokirani njegovim posljednjim riječima: 'Nikad nešto slično nisam čuo'

Australski znanstvenik David Goodall (104) eutanaziran je u četvrtak u klinici u Švicarskoj, objavila je organizacija Exit International, koja se bori za pravo na eutanaziju, prenosi BBC.

Umro je mirno u 12,30 sati u Baselu, objavio je Exit International.

U trenucima kada su mu liječnici ubrizgavali smrtonosnu dozu lijekova, Goodall je bio okružen svojom obitelji, a s iPada čuli su se taktovi Beethovene 'Ode radosti', skladbe koju je i sam otpjevao jučer na press konferenciji.

Vremešni znanstvenik je i na dan svoje smrti pokazivao veliku želju i nestrpljivost da konačno 'ode s ovog svijeta'. Dok je njegova obitelj ispunjavala formulare, 104-godišnjak ih je konstantno požurivao i prigovarao.

- Što čekamo? Hoćemo li više krenuti - prigovarao je Goodall.

Njegove posljednje trenutke opisao je doktor Philip Nitschke. Prije ubrizgavanje smrtonosne injekcije liječnik je Goodallu postavio četiri pitanja. Pitao ga je kako se zove, datum rođenja, zašto je došao u kliniku i čemu se nada nakon smrti. Posljednji odgovor zapanjio je sve.

- Samo se nadam da će mi srce stati.

Nakon ubrizgavanja injekcije svi su čekali da znanstvenik utone u vječni san, ali očito je i ta procedura bila previše za ekscentričnog znanstvenika.

- Koliko ovo traje!?

To su bile ujedno i posljednje riječi Goodalla. Nekoliko trenutaka poslije Australac je umro.

- Nikad nešto slično nisam čuo, ali gospodin je očito bio nestrpljiv.

Ipak, liječnik kaže da je posljednja želja gospodina Goodalla ispunjena. Priželjkivao je mirnu smrt i to je na kraju i dobio...

Hvaljeni ekolog i botaničar, koji nije bio smrtno bolestan, izjavio je kako se na to odlučio jer je bio sve manje sposoban brinuti se sam za sebe.

U svojem posljednjem javnom istupu rekao je da ga je interes javnosti iznenadio.

U intervjuu povodom svojega rođendana prošli mjesec, izjavio je: "Nisam sretan. Želim umrijeti. To nije posebno tužno. Tužno je ako se to čovjeku ne dopusti".

Goodallu nije bilo dopušteno potpomognuto samoubojstvo u Australiji i morao je doputovati u Švicarsku.

- Radije bih skončao u Australiji, stvarno žalim što Australija kasni za Švicarskom kad su u pitanju prava na smrt - objasnio je u srijedu uoči eutanazije.

Goodall je prije smrti rekao kako se nada da će zanimanje medija za njegov slučaj potaknuti Australiju i druge zemlje da razmotre svoja zakonodavstva.

Podsjetimo, David je neuspješno pokušao počiniti samoubojstvo početkom godine.

Exit International

Professor David Goodall’s Last Day

Final Day Press Release

Professor David Goodall travelled to the Life Circle/ Eternal Spirit Foundation this morning for his final appointment.

David was accompanied at the appointment by his grandchildren and Eternal Spirit staff.

As he elected to receive a lethal injection, Dr Christian Weber administer a cannula to David’s arm. David turned the wheel to allow the solution to flow.

David fell asleep within a few minutes and died a short time afterwards at around 12.30pm.

Dr Philip Nitschke was present at David’s death and was proud to have been appointed ‘music director’.

David’s chosen music was the Ode to Joy of Beethoven’s 9th symphony. According to Dr Nitschke, David died at the moment the Song (sung in German) concluded.

Speaking of Professor Goodall’s death, Philip said he was extremely sad to lose such a ‘inspiring man of science’.

‘David Goodall is exactly the sort of member that Exit is made of and is proud of’.

‘It was a wonderful experience to know him and be so intimately involved in his final weeks of life. Especially after David’s 20 odd years of membership of Exit International’.

David has requested that his body be donated to medicine and, if not, that his ashes be sprinkled locally. He wishes to have no funeral, no remembrance service or ceremony. David has no belief in the afterlife.

Philip Nitschke

Philip Haig Nitschke (/ˈnɪtʃkɪ/; born 8 August 1947) is an Australian humanist, author, former physician and founder and director of the pro-euthanasia group Exit International. He campaigned successfully to have a legal euthanasia law passed in Australia's Northern Territory and assisted four people in ending their lives before the law was overturned by the Government of Australia. Nitschke was the first doctor in the world to administer a legal, voluntary, lethal injection, after which the patient activated the syringe using a computer. Nitschke states that he and his group are regularly subject to harassment by authorities. In 2015 Nitschke burned his medical practising certificate in response to what he saw as onerous conditions that violated his right to free speech, imposed on him by the Medical Board of Australia. Nitschke is variously referred to in the media as "Dr Death" or "the Elon Musk of assisted suicide".

Philip Nitschke

Hard talk Philip Nitschke part 1

Hard talk Philip Nitschke part2

"Big Ideas" - Philip Nitschke in Conversation with Fiona Stewart. Assisted Suicide / Euthanasia

ABC "Big Ideas" (30.07.2014)

Death and how you die, is a staple fixture at a lot of festivals, and these sessions always draw a crowd, whether they’re in Perth, Darwin or Brisbane. Euthanasia is always a contentious issue, even though public polling reveals that over 70% of the population support it.

Philip Nitschke is often one of mob talking ‘choice of how and when you die’ and here he is in conversation with his partner and co author, Fiona Stewart.Banned books seem like something out of the 1970’s, but this isn’t the case with Nitschke and Stewart’s book The Peaceful Pill Handbook. Originally published in the US in 2007 it is banned in Australia, in both printed and online forms.

This conversation from the Sydney Writers’ Festival is a disquieting insight into freedom of speech and the freedom to publish.

Dr Philip Nitschke Doctor Death


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