Autor: Lucija Petričević
Datum objave: 25.11.2011

Earth is Crying

Give me clean water give me my forest

Earth is Crying

The Earth is dying
Step by step
She is crying

Give me clean water
Give me my forest
My stability, nutrition
Love and peace

I need desperately back my bliss!

You have taken so much from me
Are you really worthy of me?

I am an organism just like you
There are rules and regulations to follow,
I have a name, gaia, and I am ill because of you.

I am crying and dying
I am petrified you human soul
You are always lying

I also need light, sun, planets to kiss
I want to keep forever my sacred bliss

I want to be clean, cherished
Loved and protected
I have so long been neglected

My beauty is gone and my layers are thin
I feel as if I had been thrown inside a bin

I need my coat back
I need my life back ontrack

My name is gaia
Don't step on me just like that!

By Lucija Petricevic

Kategorije: Zanimljivosti
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