Autor: admin
Datum objave: 26.05.2015

Election day in Spain


Election day – in photos

PP losses at municipal, regional polls mark a swing to the left in Spain

Five policies that Manuela Carmena wants in place in her first 100 days

 The same day that Carmena was elected candidate for Ahora Madrid, the group also presented five measures that had been voted on by citizen groups as part of the creation of their party manifesto. The party promised then to “implement them in the first 100 days of the municipal government,” which would mean – should Carmena become mayor – that they would be in place by September.

These five points are:

1. Use all municipal means and resources to stop evictions from primary residences and guarantee alternative accommodation for the evicted.

2. Stop the privatization of public services, the outsourcing of municipal services to large companies and the sale of public heritage sites.

3. Guarantee basic utilities (electricity and water) to all households that cannot afford them.

4. Guarantee access to municipal healthcare services and promote healthy policies for all citizens, regardless of their situation.

5. Develop an urgent plan to get young people and the long-term unemployed into work.

Manuela Carmena

Spain's indignados could rule Barcelona and Madrid after local election success

Barcelona's anti-poverty crusader leads race to be city's next mayor

Ada Colau

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