Autor: admin
Datum objave: 24.03.2017

Herman Gref

Sberbank je šesti najvrjedniji bankarski brend u Evropi

Herman Gref  

Herman Gref: Era nafte je prošlost. Dobro došli u budućnost!

Generalni direktor i predsjednik Upravnog odbora „Sberbanka“ Herman Gref je siguran da je „era nafte“ na samrti i da se svjetska ekonomija mora prestati orijentirati na oscilacije cijene nafte. Gref je dao takvu izjavu na Gajdarovskom ekonomskom forumu, prenosi televizija Life News.

„Kameno doba nije završilo nestankom kamena. Završava se i era nafte, iako ćemo još nekoliko godina promatrati to što je od nje ostalo. Dobro došli u budućnost. Već smo tu“, - izjavio je prvi čovjek „Sberbanka“.

On je ujedno priznao da ga više zabrinjava problem „tehnološkog ropstva“ Rusije, budući da se nije uspjela snaći u vlastitoj ekonomiji i investirati u znanstvene i industrijske grane „na kojima je budućnost“, odnosno u informatičke tehnologije.

„Države i ljudi koji su se uspjeli na vrijeme prilagoditi i da u to investiraju, oni su današnji pobjednici“, rekao je Herman Gref.новости/179933?utm_source=lifenews&utm_campaign=redirect

Sberbank je šesti najvrjedniji bankarski brend u Evropi

Javio se moćni direktor velike državne banke i otkrio rusku strategiju za Agrokor

Herman Gref

Herman Oskarovich Gref (Russian: Герман Оскарович Греф, born February 8, 1964) is a Russian German statesman and top manager. He was the Minister of Economics and Trade of Russia from May 2000 to September 2007. He currently is the CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of the largest Russian bank Sberbank

Gref married the designer Yana on May 1, 2004 in the throne room of Peterhof Palace. His wife has a teenage son from a prior relationship, just as Gref has a son, Oleg, from his marriage with Yelena, who refused to move to Moscow when Herman Gref was called into the government in 1998.Since 2006 the couple has a daughter. Oleg studied jurisprudence in St. Petersburg until 2004 and moved to Germany for further education. Gref speaks German and loves Goethe and German Expressionism.

In an interview with Russian News Agency TASS, Gref admitted to speculating with Bitcoin

Osnovao ju je car prije 170 godina, a danas drma Agrokorom

photos Herman Gref

Sberbank should be privatized – CEO Gref

PwC's 19th Annual Global CEO Survey: Herman Gref of Sberbank

Learn more at -

As part of PwC's 19th Annual Global CEO Survey, we spoke with Herman Gref, CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of Sberbank. In this short video, Herman Gref discusses growth prospects of the global economy, geopolitical uncertainties, social responsibility and viability as a measure of success for businesses.


Board of Directors  Herman Gref

Herman Gref has served since 2007 as the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Executive Board of Sberbank of Russia, one of the largest commercial banks in Russia. From 2000 to 2007, Mr. Gref was the Minister for Economic Development of the Russian Federation. He previously served in a number of government positions at the federal and regional levels in Russia. Mr. Gref received a degree in law from Omsk State University in 1990, a Ph.D. in law from St. Petersburg State University in 1993 and has a Ph.D. in economics. Mr. Gref holds a Citation and Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation, the Order for Distinguished Service of Grade IV and the Stolypin Medal.

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