Autor: redakcija
Datum objave: 05.04.2012

Ivana Zahirović

zlatna flauta


Ivana Zahirović,

outstanding Croatian flutist, comes form the small town of Sisak near Zagreb. She started playing flute at the age of 9 and graduated at Music Highschool in Zagreb before starting her studies with Irena Grafenauer at University “Mozarteum” in Salzburg, Austria, where she received “grade of excellence” and degree “master of arts”. Also she made post-graduate studies with Michael M. Kofler at University Mozarteum and with Maria Goldschmidt at “Hochschule für Musik” Zurich.

Having won audition at the age of 20 she became member of Orchestra-Academy of Zurich Opera House for two years. After that she got positions at Symphony orchestra Mozarteum Salzburg, Symphony Orchestra Bienne and Munich Symphony Orchestra and played with conductors like N. Harnoncourt, J.E. Gardiner, F. Welser-Möst and many others. She has won many national and international competitions such as “Lions Club International Competition” and “AUDI Mozart” in Italy and was member of Chamber music organisation “Villa Musica” where she appeared with many well-known musicians.

She has played solo concerts and chamber music concerts at international festivals such as “St. Marco Festival” in Zagreb and “Baroque evenings” in Varaždin.

In Croatia she has performed with the Zagreb Soloists, the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra and the Croatian Chamber Orchestra, as well as having been featured in Croatian Radio and Television and gave many concerts and recitals both as soloist and chamber musician in many European countries, Latin America and USA.

Currently she has engagements with orchestras such as Munich Radio Orchestra and Bavarian State Opera Orchestra in Munich. Also she plays chamber music with harpist Laima Bach, Duo “Bach”, with guitar player Georgy Moravsky, Duo “Flugita” and in Ensemble for contemporary music ULTIMA RARA.

Awards,2008 - 1. Award at the AUDI Mozart International Competition, Italy

2. Award at the Lions Club International, Switzerland,1999.

2. Award at National Competition in Croatia,1991.





IVANA ZAHIROVIĆ :Mozart- Concerto per flauto KV 313 – 2

Debussy - Rêverie - Ivana Zahirovic, flute - Laima Bach, harp

Ravel - Pièce en forme de Habanera - Ivana Zahirovic, Flute - Laima Bach, Harp


Flautistica Ivana Zahirović predstavila djela hrvatskih skladatelja u Münchenu, 2010.

Flautistica Ivana Zahirović, koja živi u Münchenu  predstavila je djela hrvatskih skladatelja za flautu i glasovir na Festivalu flautista, Flötenfestival koji se održao od 19. do 21. ožujka na Musikhochschule u Münchenu. Zajedno sa zagrebačkom pijanisticom Miom Elezović, koja inače živi u New Yorku, Ivana je na svom recitalu izvela djela Brune Bjelinskog, Božidara Kunca i Krste Odaka. Organizator festivala je Njemačko društvo flautista, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flöte, a  nastupili su brojni ugledni flutisti iz cijelog svijeta. Isti program dvije su umjetnice izvele i prošle godine na Američkoj konvenciji flautista u New Yorku.

Flautistica Ivana Zahirović, rođena u Sisku,  diplomirala je i magistrirala koncertantni smjer flautu na Univerzitetu «Mozarteum» u Salzburgu u klasi Prof. Irene Grafanauer. Dobitnica je mnogih natjecanja i nagrada, između ostalog «Lions Club International» i «Audi Mozart» u Italiji. Kao orkestralna glazbenica djelovala je u nekoliko renomiranih europskih orkestara kao što su Orkestar Opere u Zürichu, Simfonijski orkestar Mozarteum u Salzburgu i Minhenski simfoničari, a vodi i uspješnu komornu i solističku karijeru kako u Hrvatskoj tako i u europskim zemljama i SAD-u.

Mia Elezović, iz Zagreba, svoje je obrazovanje stekla na prestižnim školama u Beču, Frankfurtu i New Yorku, a magistrirala je na Muzičkoj Akademiji u Zagrebu. Iza sebe ima brojne međunarodne nastupe, izvodeći solo recitale kao i koncerte komorne glazbe u Hrvatskoj, širom Europe, u SAD i Japanu. Nastupa kao solist uz najuglednije hrvatske orkestre. Nagrađivana je na uglednim državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima. Od travnja 2005.podučava na klavirskom odjelu Kyoto University for Music and Art, a od 2007. živi u New Yorku, gdje se specijalizirala za suvremenu glazbu na Manhattan School of Music.

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