Autor: redakcija
Datum objave: 10.03.2012

Japan’s 1st anniversary of the greatest Earthquake and Tsunami waves….

Mia Elezović,pianist

Japan’s 1st  anniversary of the greatest Earthquake and Tsunami waves….

M i a   E l e z o v i ć, pianist

Poštovane Dame i Gospodo,

program bilježim djelima suvremenih skladatelja  “novoga zvuka”, osobito u jubilarnoj godini  Medjunarodnog glazbenog festivala Muzičkog Biennale- a Zagreb.

Tijekom ožujka, bila sam na koncertnoj turneji u Japanu, i 11. ožujka, 2011., za vrijeme razornog potresa, u toj zemlji discipline i samozatajne duše……..

Izborom predstavljam djela skladatelja iz Zemlje izlazećeg Sunca

Shin-Ichira Ikebea i Yoshio Hachimure.

Shin-Ichiro Ikebe

Born in Mito, Japan, in 1943, (池辺晋一郎) studied composition with Tomojiro Ikenouchi, Akio Yashiro and Akira Miyoshi.

He graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music with a masters degree in 1971. As one of Japan’s busiest composers of our times, he has actively engaged in a wide range of compositional media, including symphonies, operas and theater pieces, as well as music for radio, television and movies.

He won the first prize for composition at the 35th Japan Music Competition in 1966. Since then he has received numerous awards including Salzburg TV Opera Festival Award for Death Goddess(1971), Italian Broadcasting Corporation(RAI) Prize and International Emmy Awards for Carmen(1989). One of his recent works, Les Bois Tristes for Orchestra, was awarded the 1999 Otaka Prize.

Also for film scores, he has received Mainichi Film Music Prize three times and the Japan Academy Music Award six times. His recent works include Dreams(Akira Kurosawa, 1989), Rhapsody in August(Akira Kurosawa, 1991) and The Eel(Shohei Imamura, 1997, Palme d’Or of Festival de Cannes). In addition to these activities, he has published some essays, and also serves as consultant for several concert halls.

He is currently a professor at the Tokyo College of Music.

Mia Elezović,pianist

Shin - Ichiro Ikebe: Toward The Voice of J.S.Bach

                                   Freedom for Arirang

Yoshio Hachimura, October 10, 1938, Tokyo, Japan  - June, 05, 1985.Tokyo,Japan

studirao je na Nacionalnom sveučilištu za umjetnost i glazbu u Tokiju. Izražajnost, ekspresionizam i romantičnost – kao svojevrsni spoj modalnosti i avangarde – glavna su obilježja njegovih djela. Ona su, isprva,  nastajala pod zamjetnim utjecajem Schönbergova ekspresionizma, a kasnije su primjetni i utjecaji glazbe talijanskih skladatelja 1960-ih (npr. Silvana Bussottia), ali i renesansnih majstora poput, primjerice, Carla Gesualda.

Yoshio Hachimura, bio je profesor na Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music i na Konzervatoriju Toho Gakuen, drugoj najvećoj glazbeno-obrazovnoj instituciji u Tokiju.


Mia Elezović,pianist

Yoshio Hachimura: Vision of Higanbana


Kategorije: Glazba
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