Autor: admin
Datum objave: 11.08.2018

Leadership analysis

Leadership Speaker Series: Dr. Jerrold Post

 Leadership analysis

Leadership analysis is the art of breaking down a leader into basic psychological components for study and use by academics and practitioners. Good leadership analyses are not reductionist, but rather take into consideration the overall person in the context of the times, society, and culture from which they come. Leadership analysis is traditionally housed in political psychology departments and utilizes the tools of psychology to achieve political ends by exploiting the psyche in the case of practitioners, or to gain knowledge about the building blocks of leadership and individuals in the case of academics.The distinction between the two is not made frivolously; in fact, while academics and practitioners both engage in the overarching act of analyzing leaders, they go about it quite differently. Applied analysts make great use of the psychobiography, while academics tend to analyze transcriptions in search of traits and character clues

Jerrold Post

Leadership Speaker Series: Dr. Jerrold Post  

Dr Jerrold Post discusses Trump's psychology and the Goldwater debate
Kategorije: Ostalo
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