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Datum objave: 07.05.2018

Manifest for Europe

Written by: Felix Unger, Eva Feldmann, Klaus Mainzer, Wolfgang Schmale, Werner Weidenfeld

Manifest for Europe

27 th March 2018

Written by: Felix Unger, Eva Feldmann, Klaus Mainzer, Wolfgang Schmale, Werner



Initial Situation

1. Europe in need

Politics degenerates into the staging of power games without a recognizable

strategy. This is far from the great task of designing public space out of

convincing ideas, rationally implementing co-responsibility as a citizen and as

its representatives. The election results acknowledge these oddities. Regarding

the traditional parties, they prove the respective leadership dilemma as well as

the loss of authority. The conventional parties are losing their approval and at

the same time voters' frustration is linking elsewhere. The political set up just

keeps going as if nothing had happened. Legitimation crisis describes best the

crippling mildew that has spread over Europe. The dream of embarking into a

new historical era looks different.

Politics is facing the major historical challenges - from the current mass

migration, which may lead to a new migration period, through the terrorist threat

to the current landscape of global political risks - either with perplexity or

situational crisis management. The longing of citizens for strategic prospects

remains unanswered. Politicians say goodbye to the cultural horizon. The

political elite remains speechless.

A society without orientation is a society in need.

In essence, the process is tangible: Every person and every society must

constantly filter and sort out the almost infinite number of incoming information.

This is especially true in times of dramatic increase in complexity. One thinks of

globalization and digitization, of technological progress and demographic

change - the demand for regularity is immense. History and politics usually

provide orientation that places the individual data in understandable contexts.

In times of the East-West conflict, this global political order of worldwide

antagonism was a major source of orientation. As this era of a global political

architecture collapsed, this demand for orientation was more directly and

massively addressed towards domestic producers. Since then, the political

artistry is mostly dealing with challenges of political attention solely with

technical finesse.

The premodernity has established its identity through relatively simple,

manageable ways of life, through closed world views, through a stable milieu,

through a public consensus about the everyday significance of man's

transcendence reference. In the modern age, these cultural conditions no longer

exist: Growing complexity of social organizations, pluralization, but also

instability through liquefaction of the worlds of life, anonymity of social

regulations, mobility and increasing speed of decay of historical experiences,

devaluation of traditional loyalties. In this context, the sociology of knowledge


quite vividly speaks of the suffering of modern man in a constantly deepening

state of homelessness.

If we realize today's political failings in that dramatic way, then we must keep in

mind an existential fact: In the political meaning of our lives, we are not box-

office owners who are bored and relaxed following the salvation drama on

stage. No - we are participants, co-responsible, we are contributors. And we

must take that very seriously. Otherwise, we will not succeed in freeing

ourselves from the misery of the state and society. There is no political

discourse in the public domain. A narrative is totally missing, even though the

narrative allows to find new ways.

2. Innovation ability

Innovation space Europe

In the worldwide competition of global markets, Europe depends on the

innovation dynamics of its people. Innovation requires creativity, which is

increasingly concentrated in interdisciplinary research clusters. Energy

networks, material science, information technology, environment, climate

change, robotics, life science, data science, medicine and health, cultural

studies, identity research, migration, just to name a few, are problem-oriented

research areas which connect interdisciplinary disciplines, transcend beyond

traditional subject boundaries and grow together in new research clusters.

Problem-oriented research aims to get to designing new products and new skills

from basic and applied research.

Europe must therefore set the framework conditions and incentives for

innovation centres in which research and development of universities and

colleges cooperate with companies and public institutions. Innovation thus

becomes a crucial factor in securing future markets and the quality of life of a

society. However, innovation is not only determined by technical and economic

factors, but must also take social, cultural and ecological aspects into account

from the outset. They become factors of sustainable innovation. Only

sustainable innovation secures the future viability of a society.

The increasing complexity of infrastructure tasks today is so vast that we cannot

cope without the support of digitization and intelligent algorithms. Examples are

mobility (autonomous driving), smart cities, energy systems, industry and

employment (industry 4.0). At the same time, algorithms and big data are

changing not only science and technology but also economics and society in an

alarming way. The influence of globally operating companies and major powers

shows in their influence over data and algorithms! Europe must prove to be a

strong innovation space for digitization and artificial intelligence to compete

globally with the USA and China for example.


In Europe, however, not only did science and technology emerge, which in the

age of globalization led to global innovation dynamics. Europe has also created

a unique cultural space based on democracy and human rights. This spirit of

the European cultural area must be combined with the dynamism of Europe as

an innovation space to remain an attractive living environment in the future.

Specifically, the working and living space will change dramatically under the

influence of artificial intelligence and big data. Europe must therefore create the

framework conditions for education and training systems so that in the age of

digitization job opportunities and zest for life for young people are opened and

promoted in Europe. But in the end, Europe must also ensure the ethical and

legal framework conditions (e.g. privacy, cybersecurity) to shape these future

technologies in such a way that freedom, human rights and democracy are

safeguarded as Europe's trademarks.

3. The Europe of young people

Strengthen Europe

Many factors prevent young people from committing themselves to the

European Union. These include the enormous levels of youth unemployment in

many southern EU countries. Young people hardly see a professional - and as

a result, no private - perspective. This stops them from being interested in

transnational problems and issues at the European level. The younger

generation often feels "not understood" and "ignored by politics". This applies

to a Europe, which seems very far removed from the reality of life of young

people. In addition, in many places in the EU there is a lack of possibilities for

economic participation in clear offers for political and social involvement for

young people. Only two members of the EU Parliament are currently under 30

years of age. Particularly in view of the demographic change and the resulting

colossal challenges facing the young generation of Europe, the inclusion of

young people in European decision-making bodies and processes in the sense

of democratization and a fair coexistence of ages is indispensable. Important

for a young Europe of the future is a clear commitment to freedom as well as a

practice of solidarity and sustainability. Ultimately, it is both Europe's

responsibility and interest to effectively integrate the existing human capital of

the younger generation in order to remain competitive in a global context

through innovation and young ideas.


4. Confidence in freedom

Every innovative development happens in freedom, which you must trust. There

are enough restrictive criteria, the entire regulatory rage, laws still and bad,

details of behaviour down to the smallest vitality, so that every freedom of the

individual is stifled. Today's cancer is called regulatory administration.

Digitization, with its increasing form, also contains elements that restrict freedom

and allow a total control of people. While this brings efficiency everywhere, there

is a danger of political destabilization due to people's displeasure.

One can say that subsidiarity is essential at all levels, because in everyday life,

one can better assess and appreciate things. Here again a facet of freedom

emerges, that the regions and municipalities develop themselves further, but

subsidiary in harmonization with the entire line of own responsibility and in the

context of the competition of the powers of the markets.

Any development in all its facets thrives only in freedom, at a freedom

guaranteed in confidence, which is not restricted.

Due to a good material foundation and a spiritual condition, the development of

the whole of Europe can be carried on in freedom, where art, sciences and

religions play a big part and are also the subject of narrative, talking and

developing ideas. The narrative falters. The tensions between East and South,

North and West can only be overcome by an intense narrative, that is, to

overcome the unnecessary differences if they are ideologically substantiated.

The narrative makes you free, laws constrict you.

What to do?

1. Development of a strategy to overcome political stagnation.

Politics must always relate to the citizens of Europe; hence the narrative of what

citizens think.

It is about a clear governance of Europe and a strategy with the neighbours,

such as Russia, China and the USA, a positioning as a global player. A reform

of the European Council is needed to make clear, essential decisions. It's about

mastering a language for security, migration, finance and development.

Europe must develop future perspectives, clarify its legitimacy, provide

transparency and identify a clear management structure.


2. Innovation

Innovation and research can and should be done by everyone, not only at the

university level but also by non-university companies. All this contributes to an

innovative power to develop a market for 2050 that is necessary for all. A big topic

of the future lies in the digitization with all its facets, up to the artificial intelligence

and robotics, also the human being.

3. Young Europe

The young Europe is the basis of the wider Europe. Here it is necessary to take the

concern and their roots of all seriously. Further, the youth must be included in the

political discussion. In the young generation lies the power of innovation.

Youth strategy means greater involvement of the younger ones. Legislative periods

of representatives should also be shortened to foster a better flow of opinions.

4. Europe of the elderly

The increasing shift of democracy shows a significant aging of our European

population. This creates recent problems in the care of the elderly. It is important

to emphasize here that people are in good health to age mentally or physically. The

treasure of their experience must not be lost, and this must be increasingly

considered. Here, the dialogue between the elderly and the younger should be


5. Confidence in freedom

This is about to further build Europe in freedom and seeing all its cultural

achievements in a tense continent. Europe now has a diversity that is to be

welcomed and that is the very charm of the European profile. Working towards a

goal, like 2050.

We live mentally in a tight space, but this one must be designed in such a way that

each regional space contributes to the overall cultural performance. But this is only

possible if the freedom of development is given and the people who develop can

assure themselves of the confidence in freedom.

Europe must not play the role of Greece in the Roman Empire. We cannot become

a museum.


What is important:

Europe must remain a living place of the future. Today, the 30-year-olds are already

working to shape Europe. Since the founding fathers, Europe has reached a dead end

due to a complicated administration. Therefore "Next Europe" - for the "Next


1. The democratic principle applies everywhere. Strengthen and consider the

NGOs. Transparency for the European citizen.

2. Real legitimacy of Europe. In the election of the European Parliament, pan-

European parties must enter as candidates, which gives Parliament genuine

democratic legitimacy as a legislature, in the interplay between the majority

and the opposition.

Freedom means co-responsibility.

This means increasing transparency and not just effective crisis management, but also

developing a strategy based on a narrative.

Kategorije: Ostalo
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