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Datum objave: 26.05.2015

Politiques, écrivains, résistants

grands hommes - du Panthéon

Politiques, écrivains, résistants : que savez-vous des « grands hommes »  du Panthéon ?

 Mercredi 27 mai, Journée nationale de la Résistance, quatre de ses figures majeures entrent au Panthéon : Germaine Tillion, Geneviève de Gaulle-Anthonioz, Pierre Brossolette et Jean Zay. L'occasion de tester vos connaissances sur l'un des monuments les plus connus de Paris.

Germaine Tillion

Germaine Tillion (May 30, 1907 – April 18, 2008) was a French ethnologist, best known for her work in Algeria in the 1950s on behalf of the French government. A member of the French resistance, she spent time in the Ravensbrück concentration camp

To celebrate her 100th birthday, her operetta "Le Verfügbar aux Enfers" premiered in 2007 at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris. She was Honorary Professor at France's School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) at the time of her death in 2008.

On February 21, 2014 French President Francois Hollande announced that she will be interred in the Panthéon.


Geneviève de Gaulle-Anthoniozève_de_Gaulle-Anthonioz

Geneviève de Gaulle-Anthonioz (October 25, 1920 – February 14, 2002), was a niece of General Charles de Gaulle, a member of the French Resistance, and the president of ATD Quart Monde

As an active member and later president of the ADIR (Association of Deportées and Internées of the Résistance), she filed lawsuits against Nazi war criminals, then took part in the rise of the political movement launched by her uncle, the Rally of the French People.

In 1958, she worked with the cabinet of André Malraux when she met Father Joseph Wresinski, then chaplain of the town of Noisy-le-Grand. The sufferings of the families she met there revived those which she and other deportees had experienced. In 1987, she testified in the case of the Nazi Klaus Barbie.

Allied with the movement ATD Quart Monde, then as a permanent volunteer, she served as president of the movement from 1964 to September 2001.

In 1988 she became a member of the French Economic and Social Council, and for ten years fought for the adoption of a law against great poverty. Deferred in 1997 due to dissolution of the French National Assembly, her law was voted in in 1998.

On 21 February 2014, French President François Hollande announced that she will be interred in the Panthéon


Pierre Brossolette

Pierre Brossolette (25 June 1903 – 22 March 1944) was a French journalist, a leading left-wing politician, and a major hero of the French Resistance

Brossolette was tortured at the Gestapo HQ, enduring severe beatings and waterboardings over a two and a half day period. On March 22, while he was left alone and recovered some consciousness, he threw himself through the window of the garret room of the HQ's sixth floor. Since he had not swallowed his cyanide capsule when captured in Rennes, he was afraid of implicating others and probably chose to silence himself. There was a widespread belief among resistants that it was difficult, if not impossible, not to speak under torture.

He died later in the evening at La Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital and, on March 24, was cremated at Père-Lachaise. His ashes are kept at the Père Lachaise cemetery's columbarium urn 3913 according to official cemetery records. Brossolette's reportedly last words were enigmatic: "all will be fine Tuesday".

"For the French. the war will be over when they will be able to read Le Canard enchaîné and see this wonderful movie [ Gone with the Wind ]"—to Jean-Pierre Melville in front of Ritz Theater in London, adapted in the same location to Luc Jardie, interpreted by Paul Meurisse in the movie Army of Shadows produced in 1969.

"Mon Général, (...) There are times when someone must have the courage to say out loud what others whisper behind your back with weeping faces. There are subjects on which you do not tolerate any contradiction, let alone any debate. Moreover, these subjects are generally those in which your position is most emotional, i.e. precisely those on which you would have great interest in being tested against other people's reactions (...) Among your entourage, the not-so-good only go after your approval; the worst make a policy of coaxing you; the best soon cease to readily offer themselves to discussion. You end up reaching the situation, restful amid your daily worries, where you no longer meet anything but flattering assentment. But you know as well as me where this path has led others than you in history, and where it risks to lead yourself " - letter to General de Gaulle, 1942


Jean Zay

Jean Zay was a French politician born in Orléans (Loiret) on 6 August 1904 and assassinated 20 June 1944 by the miliciens in Molles (Allier). He was the Minister of National Education and Fine Arts from 1936 until 1939. He was one of the passengers aboard the vessel Massilia that left Bordeaux, France for Casablanca on June 21, 1940 with the intention of forming a resistance government in North Africa. In 1938, Jean Zay proposed the creation of an international film event in France, which was planned to debut in Cannes in 1939. Because of the war, the inauguration of the Cannes Film Festival was postponed until 1946.

In March 2014 French President François Hollande announced his intention to recognize Jean Zay at the Pantheon in Paris as a leading figure in the Resistance

Jean Zay au Panthéon

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