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Datum objave: 06.12.2017

Predsjednica razgovarala s glavnim tajnikom Ujedinjenih naroda Antoniom Gutterresom

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, President of the Republic of Croatia, spoke about her multi-dimensional approach to foreign policy in front of a full crowd at ASEAN Auditorium on Monday night ………

Predsjednica razgovarala s glavnim tajnikom Ujedinjenih naroda Antoniom Gutterresom

5. prosinca 2017.

New York, Sjedinjene Američke Države

Predsjednica Republike Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, u sklopu radnog posjeta Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, u New Yorku se sastala s glavnim tajnikom Ujedinjenih naroda Antoniom Gutterresom.

Glavni tajnik Antonio Gutterres i hrvatska predsjednica Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović istaknuli su u razgovoru o stanju na jugoistoku Europe kako su presude Međunarodnog suda za ratne zločine presude pojedincima, a ne presude državama.

Glavni tajnik Ujedinjenih naroda kazao je kako je "svaka presuda presuda pojedincima, a ne državama", kazala je predsjednica Grabar-Kitarović u izjavi nakon sastanka.

 Glavne teme razgovora bile su stanje na jugoistoku Europe, glede čega su se "složili da ima razloga za zabrinutost, posebno zbog toga što je zastao proces europskih integracija", kazala je hrvatska Predsjednica istaknuvši kako je čelni čovjek Ujedinjenih naroda vrlo dobro upućen i zainteresiran za stanje u ovom dijelu Europe.

 Predsjednica je dodala kako su se složili raditi na tome da se "taj proces ubrza i da se ubrza rješavanje otvorenih pitanja između naših država".

 Glede presude Haškog suda šestorici Hrvata iz Bosne i Hercegovine za zločine tijekom sukoba u Bosni i Hercegovini, predsjednica Grabar-Kitarović je kazala kako je u razgovoru izrazila zabrinutost "zbog retorike koje se čuje ovih dana", odnosno ocjena da je presuda "uperena protiv Hrvatske" te da se u vezi s time već "naznačuju nekakvi budući koraci", primjerice u smislu zahtjeva za reparacijama za logoraše.

 "Ovo se razvija u nekakvu osudu Hrvatske, što apsolutno nije točno i treba razbiti predrasudu da je Hrvatska bila agresor u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ponavljam, optužnice i osuda su bile individualne. Individualno se odgovara za bilo koje zločine koji su počinjeni", kazala je Predsjednica i dodala kako ne želi da presuda donese pretpostavke za razmirice između Bošnjaka i Hrvata ili "otvori neke nove rasprave o ratovima i krivnjama".

 "Žalimo zbog svakog zločina i izražavamo duboki pijetet svakoj žrtvi, posebno žrtvama u ovim slučajevima. No valja biti i vrlo realističan i sagledati sve što je Republika Hrvatska učinila za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, i isto tako biti realan glede budućnosti odnosa dvije zemlje", kazala je i istaknula kako su dvije zemlje "orijentirane jedna na drugu".

 "Meni je prije svega u interesu da ne bude nikakvih sukoba niti razmirica između Hrvata Bošnjaka, a naravno i Srba u Bosni i Hercegovini, i da ova presuda ne usloži još više procese na jugoistoku Europe već da trezveno gledamo u budućnost i da radimo na poboljšanju naših odnosa i na stabilizaciji i same Bosne i Hercegovine i njenom europskom putu", kazala je hrvatska Predsjednica.

"Mislim da nam je svima dovoljno povijesti i trebamo se čvrsto okrenuti budućnosti", zaključila je Predsjednica.

Predsjednica u radnom posjetu Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama

4. prosinca 2017.

Boston, Sjedinjene Američke Države

Radni posjet Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama predsjednica Republike Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović započela je u Bostonu posjetom Tehnološkom institutu Massachusettsa (MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology) gdje je hrvatskog znanstvenika Marina Soljačića odlikovala Redom Danice hrvatske s likom Ruđera Boškovića, za osobite zasluge za znanost i njeno promicanje u Republici Hrvatskoj i u svijetu.

Na Sveučilištu Tufts, Fletcher fakultetu prava i diplomacije (Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacyna) predsjednica Grabar-Kitarović održala je predavanje na temu „Višedimenzionalni pristup u hrvatskoj vanjskoj politici“.

Euroatlantska integracija zemalja jugoistočne Europe nije proširenje već "učvršćenje" Europe, istaknula je Predsjednica u predavanju posvećenom hrvatskoj vanjskoj politici. Kazala je kako će Hrvatska nastaviti "snažno podupirati europsku i/ili euroatlantsku perspektivu cijelog tog područja". Zemlje jugoistočne Europe "predugo su u čekaonici" bez "stvarnog napretka", a "obećanje nekog dalekog članstva više nije dovoljno", dodala je.

 Članstvo je "jedini jamac stabilnosti i napretka" i "važno je shvatiti da će dalje proširenje učvrstiti Europsku uniju, a ne tek puko proširiti". Zato "radije koristim politički termin 'učvršćenje Europe'", naglasila je Predsjednica.

 "Asertivnijim, samouvjerenijim i višedimenzionalnim pristupom" u vanjskoj politici Hrvatska želi biti "dio rješenja nekih od europskih gorućih pitanja", kazala je. Zbog povijesne razmrvljenosti srednje Europe ujedinjenje europskog kontinenta nije uspjelo neutralizirati umjetne podjele na takozvanu "staru" i "novu" Europu, a zapreke u tome trebala bi pomoći prevladati Inicijativa triju mora koju su potaknule Hrvatska na jugu i Poljska na sjeveru.

 Cilj te inicijative jest jačati gospodarsku i političku suradnju, jačati koheziju Europske unije i cijelog europskog kontinenta, graditi moćan splet gospodarskih arterija, uključujući plinovode, željezničku, cestovnu i telekomunikacijsku mrežu, kazala je.

 Pred brzo rastućim globalnim izazovima cijeli svijet je na prekretnici, istaknula je predsjednica Grabar-Kitarović i podsjetila na neke od velikih izazova kao što su stanje na Bliskom istoku i na Korejskom poluotoku. Zbog toga je Hrvatska predana "kolektivnoj obrani", koja je temeljna zadaća NATO-a.

 U 2018. hrvatski vojnici nastavit će sudjelovati u NATO-ovim misijama, primjerice u Poljskoj i Litvi, KFOR-u na Kosovu i u Afganistanu gdje će za deset posto povećati broj svojih vojnika. Hrvatska je za posto povećala izdvajanje za obranu u 2017., a to povećanje kani nastaviti u 2018., te idućih godina, kazala je Predsjednica u govoru održanom u sklopu četverodnevnog posjeta SAD-u.

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, President of the Republic of Croatia, spoke about her multi-dimensional approach to foreign policy in front of a full crowd at ASEAN Auditorium on Monday night ………

The Fletcher School

Tufts University


The Fletcher School was created at the bequest of Dr. Austin Barclay Fletcher, a member of Tufts’ Class of 1876, who donated $1 million towards the establishment and maintenance of a school of law and diplomacy at Tufts. In the fall of 1933, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy opened its doors to the 21 members of its inaugural class. When it did so, in the midst of the Great Depression and with the collaboration of Harvard University, The Fletcher School became the first graduate-only school of international affairs in the United States.


The Tufts Daily: President of Croatia Advocates Integration with European Union


Date: December 5, 2017

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, President of the Republic of Croatia, spoke about her multi-dimensional approach to foreign policy in front of a full crowd at ASEAN Auditorium on Monday night. Her talk was part of the Charles Francis Adams Lecture series.

The Republic of Croatia suffered internal turmoil in the 1990s as the result of a destructive yet successful war for independence from Yugoslavia. Following a close election in January 2015, Grabar-Kitarović was elected as the first female head of state.

James Stavridis, dean of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, introduced Grabar-Kitarović as a politician who is first and foremost a diplomat. He praised Grabar-Kitarović for her judgment, expertise and wisdom and then praised Croatia for its friendly people, natural beauty and delicious wine.

Grabar-Kitarović’s lecture centered around southeast Europe, Croatia’s role in the EU, and the transatlantic relationship between Europe and the United States.

Early in her lecture, Grabar-Kitarović established that she wished to use the term “Southeast Europe” to refer to area known as the Balkans. She said this is because the Balkanization has become “a global trope for dissipation, for fragmentation, for war, for instability.”

Grabar-Kitarović said that although it is easy for a country to remain confined, it can also choose to find its niche and become a small power. In the future, she wants Croatia to help bring about peace and stability in the neighborhood of southeast Europe.

“What I want for Croatia is to be a lot more assertive — to be a lot more of a leader rather than a follower,” she said.


President of the Republic of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović speaks at a Charles Francis Adams Lecture, moderated by Dean of The Fletcher School, James Stavridis at the ASEAN auditorium on Dec. 4, 2017. (Eddie Samuels / The Tufts Daily)

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, President of the Republic of Croatia, spoke about her multi-dimensional approach to foreign policy in front of a full crowd at ASEAN Auditorium on Monday night. Her talk was part of the Charles Francis Adams Lecture series.

The Republic of Croatia suffered internal turmoil in the 1990s as the result of a destructive yet successful war for independence from Yugoslavia. Following a close election in January 2015, Grabar-Kitarović was elected as the first female head of state.

James Stavridis, dean of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, introduced Grabar-Kitarović as a politician who is first and foremost a diplomat. He praised Grabar-Kitarović for her judgment, expertise and wisdom and then praised Croatia for its friendly people, natural beauty and delicious wine.

Grabar-Kitarović’s lecture centered around southeast Europe, Croatia’s role in the EU, and the transatlantic relationship between Europe and the United States.

Early in her lecture, Grabar-Kitarović established that she wished to use the term “Southeast Europe” to refer to area known as the Balkans. She said this is because the Balkanization has become “a global trope for dissipation, for fragmentation, for war, for instability.”

Grabar-Kitarović said that although it is easy for a country to remain confined, it can also choose to find its niche and become a small power. In the future, she wants Croatia to help bring about peace and stability in the neighborhood of southeast Europe.

“What I want for Croatia is to be a lot more assertive — to be a lot more of a leader rather than a follower,” she said.

In regard to the EU, she says it has become more inward-oriented, especially with the influence of Brexit. Grabar-Kitarović said the consolidation of European countries is necessary and lamented that progress has been stalling.

“We’re losing the hearts and the minds of the people because the people are becoming disheartened by the fact that they think that they’re not good enough,” Grabar-Kitarović said. “We don’t need just rhetorical assurances. What we need is complete and concrete steps of these countries to make progress on the road to EU membership.”

In regards to migration, Grabar-Kitarović said that everyone has a right to a better life. She explained how the majority of migrants were men aged 16 to 45, meaning that helpless women and children were left behind.

She said that all countries need to work together to assuage the situation and deal with the root causes of migration, a slow but necessary process that will take decades. She predicted that number of migrants will soon rise from 16 million to 200 million.

“The European Union has to step up to the plate,” she said. “We have the means but we need the courage, the leadership, vision, the foresight. We need a strategy on how to deal with the problems in our neighborhood.”

Grabar-Kitarović said the Three Seas Initiative is an effort to reduce the difference between former Eastern Bloc countries and the rest of Europe. If interpreted as “Three Cs,” the initiative revolves around cohesion, connectivity and competitiveness, she said.

The initiative aims to level the playing field by helping countries in southeast Europe to increase energy independence, transportation infrastructure and digital connectivity, according to Grabar-Kitarović.

“Talking about the European Union today, I very much dislike the language of core versus periphery — and as I mentioned — of old versus new, east versus west,” she said.

As a self-proclaimed “Transatlanticist,” Grabar-Kitarović talked about the value of maintaining a strong relationship between countries. She said that since last year, Croatia has increased its defense spending by 9 percent, making its contribution high in terms of per capita numbers.

Ultimately, Grabar-Kitarović concluded by saying small countries like Croatia can make a difference in global politics.

“You can see that regardless of your size in terms of geography or population, it is actually about your will,” she said.

Grabar-Kitarović then transitioned to a question-and-answer session led by Stavridis.

Stavridis asked Grabar-Kitarović about Croatia’s complicated relationship with Russia, to which she replied that Russia is a strong international power and must be treated as such. She emphasized that Southeast European countries joining the EU is not a move against Russia, rather, it is just beneficial for themselves.

Grabar-Kitarović also said there needs to be a change of mindset in regard to women holding positions of power. She lamented that jobs are heavily gendered, and that many girls do not grow up thinking they hold the same value as men.

“It’s not only the right thing to do in terms of justice and morality and integrity, but it’s just an incredibly pragmatic thing to do,” Stavridis added. “When you look at the untapped productivity of women in the world today, it’s been estimated somewhere between $9 and $13 trillion.”

As for Brexit, Grabar-Kitarović said she was uncertain that the UK would actually leave the EU. She said the negotiations would be protracted, and regardless of the outcome, the UK would remain an integral part of transatlantic relations.

There was only time for a few audience questions, one of which was from a Bosnian who suggested that Grabar-Kitarović was supporting indicted war criminals.

Grabar-Kitarović defended herself and said that she regretted every victim who had been affected by the war — whether they be Croat, Serb or Bosniak. She said she was not overlooking the past but also saw this as closing that chapter in the history books and an opportunity to look to the future. “I will do whatever is in my power in order to improve the relations not just between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, but between the Croat and the Bosniak and the Serb nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” she said.

Kategorije: Društvo
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