Autor: admin
Datum objave: 07.05.2013

Srečanje Pena na Bledu

45. mednarodno blejsko srečanje Pena

Srečanje Pena na Bledu: premislek o (svoji) prihodnosti


45. mednarodno blejsko srečanje Pena bo drugačno od prejšnjih, je včeraj zatrdil predsednik slovenskega centra Pen Marjan Strojan  

Na Bled bodo prišli predsedniki vseh odborov in komitejev mednarodne organizacije, tu bosta predsednik John Ralston Saul in generalni tajnik Hori Takeaki, na skupščini mirovnega komiteja mednarodnega Pena (ustanovili so ga na kongresu v Luganu leta 1984 na pobudo slovenskega pisatelja Miloša Mikelna) bo izvoljen tudi nov predsednik komiteja.

Kot kaže se bo ohranila tradicija, da mirovnemu komiteju predseduje slovenski pisatelj (po Mikelnu mu je predsedoval Boris A. Novak, zdaj ga vodi Edvard Kovač): ponudbo je sprejel Tone Peršak, zdajšnji podpredsednik slovenskega centra. Ve se, da njegovo kandidaturo podpirata francoski in makedonski center, Kovač pa je dodal, da ima slovenski kandidat širšo podporo in bo na svetovnem kongresu na Islandiji najverjetneje potrjen.

Po napovedih podpredsednika slovenskega Pena Toneta Peršaka se bo na tokratnem blejskem srečanju, prireditvi z najdaljšo tradicijo v mednarodnem Penu, pisateljska organizacija posvetila razmisleku o sebi in svoji prihodnosti. Predsednik Pena John Ralston Saul blejska srečanja dojema kot »kovnico novih idej«, te pa so očitno nujne, da bi se profil in intonacija penovskega početja uskladila z zdajšnjostjo. Svet, kakršnega so videli John Galsworthy in drugi ustanovitelji mednarodne pisateljske organizacije, je bil pač drugačen, postavljen v okvir evropocentrične predstave o svetu. Danes, ko ima mednarodni Pen sto štirideset centrov po svetu, so okoliščine drugačne, je včeraj dodal Peršak.

Na gradu Brdo pri Kranju bo v sredo zvečer za pisateljske goste sprejem, ki ga prireja predsednik Borut Pahor. Pisatelje bo nagovoril tudi minister za kulturo Uroš Grilc.


Poets Essayists and Novelists

 P.E.N. je kratica za međunarodno udruženje književnika: pjesnika, esejista i pisaca. Puni naziv udruge glasi na engleskom Poets Essayists and Novelists. Udruga se sastoji od pojedinih jedinica (PEN centara), koji djeluju u okviru pojedinih zemalja i komuniciraju izravno ili preko svoje centrale PEN-a u London u s drugima.

Prvi PEN Centar je osnovan u Londonu 1921. godine, a do 2005. formirano je 135 centara u više od 100 država.

Hrvatski PEN centar  


Slovenski center PEN

Slovenski center PEN je del mednarodnega združenja pesnikov, esejistov in pisateljev; (Poets-Essayists-Novelists).

Nastal je leta 1926, med 2. svetovno vojno je prenehal z delovanjem in je ponovno začel s svojimi dejavnostmi leta 1962. Sedež tega društva je v poslopju sedeža Društva slovenskih pisateljev na Tomšičevi ulici 12 v Ljubljani. Ustanovitelji prvega društa leta 1926 so bili, Izidor Cankar, Josip Vidmar, France Stelé, Janko Lavrin, Fran Saleški Finžgar, France Bevk, Prežihov Voranc, France Kobal in Oton Župančič njegov prvi predsednik.


Leta 1965 je slovenski PEN na Bledu priredil svetovni kongres PEN.


Prije 48 godina na Bledu su bili medju sudionicima svjetskoga kongresa P.E.N-a,.. Dr Ivo Andrić, Miroslav Krleža…..medju ostalima i Arthur Miller koji je na press- konferenciji bio rekao da ga je životno iskustvo poučilo da su i najgori ljudi na svijetu korisni - jer služe, kao loš primjer.Dobri trebaju biti uzor ,a loši-primjer, rekao je lapidarno velikan američke književnosti, tada na Bledu.

Arthur Miller



I just returned from seeing the movie My Week With Marilyn, a film set in the summer of 1956 in England when an aspiring filmmaker Colin Clark worked on the set of The Prince and the Showgirl, a film that brought the famous Sir Laurence Olivier together with Marilyn Monroe. Such a lovely film, and I had forgotten all about the interview I had done with Arthur Miller in 1987 when he was promoting his memoir Timebends. I interviewed him in Toronto, and was told not to mention Marilyn’s name in the interview. Of course, I couldn’t see how he could avoid talking about her, and he did speak about his relationship, and his marriage to Marilyn. You could tell that while he had been tortured by her, he had a great love for this woman. He respected her. And defended her. At one point, he said she may never have read any more than a handful of books in her lifetime, but she had this uncanny ability to size up a book in just a couple of pages, and could tell you how it was going to end, how it was going to spin out to its conclusion. She also distrusted anything fictional, preferring only the truth. Miller once told her she was the “saddest girl” he had ever met. At first, Marilyn was hurt by this remark, but suddenly realized it was loaded with tenderness and affection. She responded by saying no one had ever said that about her. She told Miller that she believed men only ever wanted “happy girls.” That wasn’t her. She was real.


One night, Marilyn told Miller a story that silenced him in the most tender way. The story emerged when Miller and Marilyn were casually standing together looking out over the city of New York, and apropos of nothing, she started speaking about her elderly Aunt Ana, a Christian Scientist who had been her guardian. She told Miller about how one day, her aunt suddenly took ill and died. Marilyn was in terrible shock over her aunt’s death. So much so that the next night, Marilyn made her way upstairs to her aunt’s bedroom, and climbed into her bed, and slept there. The next day, she went to the cemetery, and when she spotted some men digging Aunt Ana’s grave, and saw ladder running into it, she asked the gravediggers if she could climb down. They graciously moved aside, and Marilyn slowly made her way down to the bottom, and stretched out on the loamy earth and gazed up at the sky, with the men standing at the rim of the gravesite. She could see them leaning on their shovels and smoking, and she lay there a few moments, and felt the cold against her back. It was when the men started joking that she roused herself, and got up and climbed back out of the hole. That story has stayed with me. It was a young Marilyn, not yet the actress, not yet the sex symbol. Just a young girl saddened by her aunt’s death.

Arthur Miller wrote: “To have survived, she would have had to be either more cynical or even further from reality than she was. Instead, she was a poet on a street corner trying to recite to a crowd pulling at her clothes.”




Kategorije: Književnost
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