Autor: admin
Datum objave: 09.04.2019

The Danish Way

Danski način odgoja opisuju pomoću akronima: P.A.R.E.N.T. (engl. roditelj) sastavljenog od početnih slova riječi play, authenticity, reframing, empathy, no ultimatums i togetherness, u hrvatskom prijevodu: igra, autentičnost, preoblikovanje, empatija, bez ultimatuma, zajedništvo.

The Danish Way

Iben Sandahl is an internationally-renowned public speaker, best-selling author, psychotherapist and educator. She has more than 20 years of experienced insight into child psychology and education, which in a most natural way anchor the Danish way of practicing parenthood. She is the founder of “The Danish Way” and offers workshops, lectures and 1:1 Skype counseling.

For all inquiries, please use the contact form.

I believe The Danish Way of Parenting is not just a book about how the happiest people in the world raise happy children, it is also a way of living. By implementing some of the tips from the book, you will not only get healthy, well-balanced and happy children, you will also learn how to become a better parent and a better human being.

My heart belongs to those in need - especially children, who doesn't have a voice and if the book can offer a change in perspective for some, I will be a very happy Dane.

– Iben Dissing Sandahl

Iben Sandahl is an internationally renowned public speaker, author, psychotherapist MPF and educator with activities around the globe.

Since 2015 Iben Sandahl has been offering lectures, workshops and counseling to parents and families, public organizations as well as private enterprises.

Her writings has been featured in The Vanity Fair, Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Psychology Today, The Greater Good Science Center Berkley to name a few - and in every National Newspapers in Denmark. Her book The Danish Way of Parenting: what the happiest people in the world know about raising confident, capable kids, is being translated into 25 languages.

Iben Sandahl has more than 20 years of experienced insight into child psychology and education, which in a most natural way anchor the Danish way of practicing parenthood.

Living and working in Denmark gives her the best possible opportunity to tell about Danish core values and concepts, which are described in the book.

Her main objectives are to inspire, help and support parents and professionals in order to ensure that new generations of children can grow up with a maximum of social- and mental health by offering alternatives to the many violent and abusive ways in which children and youth have been treated in the past as well as in the present.

Do you want to raise happy and robust children?Of course you do, but have you ever wondered why sometimes you feel your child is a bit annoying, why meltdowns always happen at the wrong time and in the wrong places - and why some children feel happier, stronger, and more robust than others? This workshop will provide you with some answers!

The fact is that Danish parents raise happy children who grow up to be happy adults who, in their turn, raise their own happy children. The theory maintains that by adopting any part of the Danish Way into your own parenting practice, you will have taken a big step towards creating happier, more robust children. And they will carry on this cycle of well-being with their own children.

Danish parenting is a whole philosophy of living, and in the workshop you will get a closer look at the Danish way and how it can help parents from all over the world achieve more life satisfaction. We will touch on topics like personal authenticity, reframing and the importance of calm, crisis-free time with family or Danish “hygge” (pronounced hooge!). The workshop offers a fascinating combination of scientific study, personal anecdote and revealing facts about Denmark.


The day starts with an introduction and a relaxed presentation. The workshop is built up round practical examples and concrete case stories that provide opportunities for self-reflection. We will round off the workshop with input from everyone. All the best and most important points will be highlighted and subsequently sent to you.

The workshop includes:

An introduction to why Danes are ranked as the happiest people in the world

A lecture by Iben Sandahl on the central theme of the workshop

New strategies and practical parenting tools

Reflection & practical exercises

Studies in conflict management

Studies in empathetic communication

Questions and discussion

You will also receive:

Workbook with exercises and tips

Play The Danish Way’: Iben Sandahl’s second publication fresh from the printer’s!

A better understanding of your own point of departure and why it matters

A heightened awareness of how to establish close relations with a child

The workshop fee includes:

Coffee, tea and a classic Danish lunch

Meeting your peers who also find parenting / upbringing challenging

Hope :-)

On signing up, you will receive all relevant information for the workshop. In case of cancellation up to a fortnight before, you will be refunded the whole workshop fee. After that period, there is no refund.

5 Tips to Help Your Child Cope With Anxiety

Do not be afraid to talk about all feelings. There’s a reason they show up.

Some years ago, my family was hit by several sad events. Events that shook our foundation and burst the bubble of innocence, along with letting my children grow up with the belief that life lasts forever, and that everything is good and beautiful. It was as if illness and death struck our family like a string of pearls without end. Heartache hit when my children were 3 and 6 years old and both of rapid development, linguistically and cognitively.

I have never been afraid to articulate difficult feelings. I have a large capacity for holding a lot of emotion, and I believe strongly in looking at them in a critical way. At the time when our family was first confronted by the darker side of life, it was natural for me to act in a way that protected and looked after our children - as these events struck in and around my husband's closest relationships. He was away from home often, as he had to keep up with his work as well as find time for hospital and hospice visits.



A Call for Connection

Overlooking the Fundamentals of the Classroom Experience


Razgovarali smo s poznatom psihoterapeutkinjom, otkrila nam je filozofiju danskog odgoja

Četrdeset godina, gotovo otkako se provode globalna ispitivanja zadovoljstva životom, Dance stavljaju na sam vrh, proglašavaju najsretnijom nacijom svijeta.

“Mnogo je raznih objašnjenja zašto je to tako, no nitko se dosad nije bavio danskim odgojem. Radim s djecom više od 20 godina i meni je odavno jasno da to što su Danci sretni ima veze s načinom na koji su odgojeni”, rekla nam je Iben Dissing Sandahl, danska psihoterapeutkinja i koautorica knjige “Danski odgoj djece - što najsretniji ljudi na svijetu znaju o odgoju samopouzdane i sposobne djece” koja je upravo objavljena i u nas (Egmont). Nisu roditelji koji olako hvale svaki dječji crtež i postignuće, više ih usmjeravaju na daljnji rad i trud te ih naglašeno uče pozitivnim životnim stavovima.

Otporna, emocionalno sigurna, sretna djeca odrastaju u otporne, emocionalno sigurne, sretne odrasle ljude

Knjigu je uz Sandahl napisala i Jessica Joelle Alexander, Amerikanka udana za Danca, koja kaže da je bila sve samo ne majčinski tip žene i da su se prijatelji u početku smijali kad je rekla da - piše knjigu o odgoju. “Upravo me je nedostatak urođenih majčinskih osjećaja i zainteresirao za danski način odgoja”, a i vidjela je da odgajanje djece njezinu suprugu, Dancu, i ljudima oko nje, Dancima, uspoređujući ih s njezinim sunarodnjacima, Amerikancima, daleko lakše ide. Zajedno su Alexander i Sandahl postavile pitanje postoji li danski način odgoja, tražile literaturu o tome... bez uspjeha. Potom su same počele istraživati što je to tako tipično i osobito u danskom odgoju djece.

Njihova knjiga govori o postulatima danskog odgoja: usredotočenosti na igru, iskrenost, empatiju i društvene vještine.

Danski način odgoja opisuju pomoću akronima: P.A.R.E.N.T. (engl. roditelj) sastavljenog od početnih slova riječi play, authenticity, reframing, empathy, no ultimatums i togetherness, u hrvatskom prijevodu: igra, autentičnost, preoblikovanje, empatija, bez ultimatuma, zajedništvo.

Finding Peace Within – A New Year’s Wish

The New Year marks the beginning of a fresh start for many. A new beginning!

As we step into a new month, affirmations of wishes and promises for a brighter future jump to the forefront as we say farewell to the current year. It is tradition in my family to spend time going around the dinner table taking turns sharing our personal dreams and wishes for the upcoming year. Even though everybody tries to delve deep and find something meaningful while being truthful and honest at the same time, the promises we make to ourselves often end up unfulfilled and forgotten – at least that is what I have experienced in the past.

The Ongoing Commitment to our New Year’s Resolutions

Approximately 41% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, and out of those only 44.8% follow through with their commitments after six months. In 2007, a British study from the University of Bristol found that 88% of people who make New Year's resolutions fail - while the NHS reckon only one in ten of us will be successful. Out of those surveyed, 43% of Brits lasted less than a month, and 66% made it one month or less. 80% of people didn't make it to the end of March before going back to their old ways. It is apparent that the enthusiasm in which we make our promises for the New Year are rapidly decreasing from our lives. In Denmark, only one out of four people make a conscious effort toward changing something in the New Year, so it appears that we are all slipping into the same trend. It is quite possible that the abundance of social media in our day and age results in the tendency to keep the “weakest” aspects of our lives to ourselves. Perhaps it is the personal imperfections that we leave up to ourselves to resolve.

To me, New Year’s Eve has become a great opportunity to stop and reflect on how life has been going up until then. Although this can be exercised at any point in time – and I often try to do so more frequently – I enjoy the tradition of reflecting and feeling connected to myself and others during this special tradition.


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