Autor: admin
Datum objave: 26.08.2014

The Ice Bucket Challenge Can Kill

Here's Why You're Doing It Wrong

The Ice Bucket Challenge Can Kill. Here's Why You're Doing It Wrong

The Ice Bucket Challenge has raised an impressive amount of money and awareness for motor neuron diseases like Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). In just one month, the ALS Association has received $80m in donations.

But while the fundraising campaign should be praised, the tragic death of a Scottish teenager reveals that the Ice Bucket Challenge can be dangerous – and potentially deadly.

When you imagine the dangers of cold water, you probably think of hypothermia. “There was a bit of a preoccupation with hypothermia dating right back to the Titanic, and then reinforced during the Second World War,” says Professor Mike Tipton, a physiologist at the University of Portsmouth and co-author of Essentials Of Sea Survival.

But fatal hypothermia takes a relatively long time: starting from 37ºC/99ºF, it takes half an hour for your core body temperature to fall below 35ºC/95ºF.

Most deaths in open water occur within minutes, as two-thirds of drowning victims are good swimmers and over half die within 10 feet of safe refuge.

The first thing Ice Bucket challengers and those immersed in cold water experience is a sudden drop in skin temperature, which triggers a reflex called the cold shock response.

“It’s basically exactly the same as you would imagine if you stepped or jumped into a pool they said was heated and it wasn’t, or stepped under a shower that had just run cold,” Tipton explains. “It’s a gasp response followed by uncontrollable hyperventilation.”

That gasp for air and rapid inhalation completely destroys your ability to hold your breath. Even if you can normally hold your breath for a minute in the bathtub, you would only last a few seconds in cold water. The average volume an adult inhales is 2-3 litres, and the lethal dose for drowning is 1.5 litres of seawater or 3 litres of freshwater.

If you’re already underwater or waves are battering your face, the cold shock response could kill you.

Drowning is the third-most common cause of accidental death worldwide and unintentional drowning kills 10 Americans every day (one-fifth are children).

There are many reasons why people lose their lives. Some can’t swim while others succumb to flash floods, for example. But Tipton believes that many ‘drowning’ victims are actually being killed from immersion in cold water. He estimates that about 20% succumb to hypothermia, 20% of people die before, during or after being rescued (a phenomenon called circum-rescue collapse) and the remaining 60% are killed by the cold shock response.

The Ice Bucket Challenge has been linked with two deaths so far. The Scottish teenager, 18-year-old Cameron Lancaster, supposedly drowned after jumping into a flooded quarry. Another victim, 40-year-old father Willis Tepania from New Zealand, had a heart attack after drinking a bottle of bourbon.

(Although not a consequence of the challenge itself, Corey Griffin, a 27-year-old who raised $100,000 for his friend Pete Frates – the college baseball player with ALS who made the campaign go viral – died after diving into Nantucket Island harbor.)

Most Ice Bucket Challenge participants don’t submerge themselves, so how can cold water immersion be dangerous to them? The problem occurs when you’re holding your breath and your face gets wet.

Immersing yourself in cold water triggers two powerful physiological responses: cold shock and another reflex, the diving response.

Cold water becomes particularly dangerous when the two coincide. “If you’ve got those two responses co-activated then you’ve got a response trying to accelerate the heart – the cold shock response – at the same time as you’ve got a response trying to slow it down, the diving response,” says Tipton.

He calls this ‘autonomic conflict‘ because both the cold shock and diving responses send signals to the heart via nerves that control involuntary body functions (including breathing), the autonomic nervous system.

The diving response is vital to marine mammals such as seals and dolphins, but humans have it too.

It’s the reflex that tells your heart to calm down and redirects blood flow to the most crucial organs, like the brain. It’s what prompts you to hold your breath underwater and enables you to conserve oxygen.

Both the cold shock and diving responses are triggered by receptors in the skin – nerve endings of the autonomic system.

The diving response is stimulated by receptors on your face (near the eyes, nose and mouth) while cold shock is triggered by thermoreceptors all around the body. Because these nerve endings are 0.2mm below the surface of the skin, body fat – which insulates against hypothermia – won’t stop you detecting a temperature drop.

When cold water is sensed by your face and rest of the body simultaneously, autonomic conflict is the result. Both the cold shock and diving responses relay sensory information (via the brain) to the heart, but their messages contradict each other. Submerge your face alone and heart rate should fall from the normal 60-100 to about 40-50 beats per minute, whereas cold water will boost the rate above 100.

To the heart, autonomic conflict is like pushing the gas pedal to accelerate while also vigorously and repeatedly applying the brakes.

Autonomic conflict creates an abnormal heart rhythm – arrhythmia – and can occasionally lead to the most dangerous outcome of cold water immersion: sudden cardiac death.

After holding your breath, an arrhythmia will start within 10 seconds, and this can be detected on an electrocardiogram (ECG). “I would be really interested in having an ECG on all these people who are doing the Ice Bucket Challenge because I pretty well guarantee there will be a fairly significant number of them having an arrhythmia while they do it,” says Tipton.

Cardiac arrhythmias are common. If you swim or snorkel, you probably experience them regularly.

In Tipton’s previous studies, 2% of fit and healthy subjects experienced an arrhythmia when their body was immersed in cold water, but the proportion goes up to 82% when the face is wet too. The problem gets worse in stressful situations: among people who train to escape from submerged helicopters, including those who work on offshore platforms or for the military, 25% have an arrhythmia during a 10-second drill.

On their own, most cardiac arrhythmias won’t show symptoms and probably aren’t hazardous to health, but other factors can predispose an individual to a lethal rhythm.

People with a pre-existing cardiovascular problems, such as a heart condition or hypertension, are at particular risk from sudden cardiac death – especially if those problems haven’t been identified. Medicines (certain antihistamines, antibiotics and antipsychotic drugs) can also increase risk.

Even athletes aren’t safe. Figures from 2003 to 2011 show that 30 out of 43 or 70% of fatal incidents during US triathlons occurred during the swim phase of a race. Because strong emotions like anger increase heart rate and athletes have no trouble while training alone, Tipton believes that competition (through mass starts and collisions) also raise the risk of arrhythmia. “These are all relatively young, fit individuals who are also having a problem with sudden cardiac death.”

Autonomic conflict between the cold shock and diving responses might also be behind fatalities where cause of death has been misdiagnosed as hypothermia or drowning, because the electrical disturbances that lead to arrhythmia can’t be detected in post-mortem examinations.

Sudden cardiac death is impossible to predict, but highlighting the dangers of cold water can help prevent more people dying from the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Most won’t suffer from the symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia, but there’s still a real risk that some will. All it takes is for one person to die and the money for worthy causes will quickly dry up.

Fundraising campaigns are a fun way to help charities, but some people – especially celebrities – must participate responsibly.

You could argue that rich celebrities should accept a forfeit instead of the dare. Charlie Sheen and Sir Patrick Stewart are great examples of this. On the other hand, the Ice Bucket Challenge probably wouldn’t have gone viral if we didn’t enjoy seeing others – especially famous people – in discomfort from being drenched by ice-cold water. It’s pure Schadenfreude, that pleasure you get from someone else’s misfortune.

Not using cold water removes the danger, but who wants to watch the Lukewarm Bucket Challenge?

Making the Ice Bucket Challenge safe is simple. Professor Mike Tipton’s advice for minimising the chances of a heart attack is straightforward:

Tuck your chin towards your chest so your face stays dry

Don’t hold your breath for any longer than necessary

Participants should also avoid total immersion. “If you go into cold water then the physiological responses will be much more profound and prolonged than if you just have a bucket of water thrown over the top of your head.”

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