Autor: admin
Datum objave: 03.08.2013


What-s on this week



What's on this week

Tosca - Puccini

06 July 2013 – 31 August 2013

A new production directed by John Bell, the artistic director of Bell Shakespeare. He has joined forces with award-winning set designer Michael Scott-Mitchell and the young, emerging costume designer Teresa Negroponte to create a monumental staging set in Mussolini’s Italy in the 1940s, during the Nazi occupation.


John Bell directs a stark, monumental staging of Puccini’s riveting drama of love, jealousy and sacrifice set in Mussolini’s Italy in the 1940s. Two true divas will share the title role, Alexia Voulgaridou and Cheryl Barker.

Conductor Christian Badea, Nicholas Milton

Director John Bell by arrangement with Bell Shakespeare

Set Designer Michael Scott-Mitchell

Costume Designer Teresa Negroponte

Lighting Designer Nick Schlieper


Floria Tosca Alexia Voulgaridou, Cheryl Barker

Cavaradossi Yonghoon Lee, Diego Torre

Scarpia John Wegner, Douglas McNicol

Angelotti David Parkin

Sacristan John Bolton Wood

Giuseppe Jin Tea Kim

Jailer Samuel Dundas, Sitiveni Talei

Spoletta Graeme Macfarlane

Sciarrone Michael Honeyman

Shepherd Boy Dominic Grimshaw

Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra

Opera Australia Chorus


Donizetti’s Comic Opera "Don Pasquale" - Sydney Opera House


Voce di Corea: 81 Prima Donnas at the Sydney Opera House

81 members of the Prima Donna Ensemble are set to give a spectacular performance at the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall on the 6th of August. This is an exclusive chance to experience Korea’s finest vocalists in a collective showcase of the best in arias, canzone and traditional Korean folksongs.

Each individual member is a respected world class soloist with a collection of international awards in their portfolio. All members are professors teaching music in the most prestigious universities in Korea. Recruiting such a group of talent is rare and undoubtedly a phenomenal task to accomplish.


2013 sees the ensemble’s tour to Australia and their first concert in the world class concert hall at the Sydney Opera House. Experience the full scale of the Prima Donna Ensemble showcasing their best selection over 20 years in concerts. The best of arias and canzone’s along with traditional Korean classics which will adorn the night complimenting the spectacular display of vocal calibre from Korea’s finest.


The best part about the concert is that this rare occasion is provided FREE to the general public. All you have to do is book your seats at the Korean Cultural Office. This is all part of the cultural exchange the government organisation strives to achieve within Australia since its opening in 2011, marking 50 years of diplomatic ties between Australia and Korea.

Don’t miss your chance to join Voce di Corea with 81 Prima Donnas at the Sydney Opera House. It’ll be an experience you won’t soon forget.


La Traviata - Sydney Opera House

La Traviata is the story of a woman prepared to give up everything for the sake of her lover’s reputation.

It is a tale that has resounded with people for generations, and is one of the most frequently-performed operas in theatres around the world. Emma Matthews is radiant as the tragic Violetta, while Martin Buckingham as Alfredo is a tender match for her top notes. The outstanding baritone José Carbó plays Giorgio.

Patrick Lange comes to Sydney from Berlin’s Komische Oper to conduct this moving production by Elijah Moshinsky.

Performed in Italian with English surtitles

Between Tuesday 30 July and Saturday 31 August from 19.30 to 22.30

Evenings at 7.30pm:

July 30

August 9, 13, 17, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31.

Matinee at 1pm: August 3.


Opera Performance at the Sydney Opera House


What You Can Expect


Falstaff at the Sydney Opera House

Performances are held in the Opera Theatre. With seating for 1547 people, its the second largest venue at Sydney Opera House. As the operas are performed in their original language (mostly Italian), subtitles in English are projected onto a screen above the stage.


The 2013 opera season at the Sydney Opera House promises to exceed all expectations as new stars join favorites from previous seasons to transport audiences to another world. Whether you are an opera aficionado or just looking to add a little something special to your Sydney vacation, a performance at the Sydney Opera House isn't just any old night at the opera!


Bars inside Sydney Opera House open one hour prior to performance time, so why not arrive early to enjoy a pre-theatre drink (additional cost) and enjoy the unbeatable views of Sydney Harbour.



2013 Performances dates at the Sydney Opera House:



John Bell directs a stark, monumental staging of Puccini’s riveting drama of love, jealousy and sacrifice set in Mussolini’s Italy in the 1940s.

July: 6, 11, 13, 16, 20, 25, 27, 31

August: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 17, 20, 23, 28, 31


Don Pasquale

Warm and bright Italian street scenes and lyrical arias, charming duets and amusing machinations blend harmoniously in a new production of Donizetti’s celebrated comic opera that is sure to be a special treat for opera lovers.

July: 18, 24

August: 1, 3, 7, 10, 15


La Traviata

Starring the radiant Emma Matthews as Violetta, the beautiful but vulnerable courtesan who is coerced into sacrificing her one hope of personal happiness for the sake of her lover’s reputation, this compelling production gets to the heart of the opera’s themes of love and death with pathos and power.

July: 30

August: 9, 13, 17, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31


Albert Herring

Britten’s comic depiction of a parochial English village springs to life with vivid characters, psychological truths and undertones of melancholy in a splendid and absorbing production.

August: 15, 18, 21, 24, 30



South Pacific

Back by popular demand, the Lincoln Center Theater's smash hit production of Rodgers & Hammersteins South Pacific returns to the Sydney Opera House in 2013

September: 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 29, 21, 24,25, 26, 27, 28

October: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8,9,10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31

November: 1, 2



Earlier this season:


La bohème

Puccini’s heart-rending love story is transported to Berlin in the 1930s, where the high-spirited bohemians revel in the exotic seductions of the Spiegeltent.

January 5, 10 ,12, 15, 18, 23

February 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23

March 1, 3, 8, 12, 16, 19, 21, 23


A Masked Ball

Prepare to be amazed by a ground-breaking and visually stunning new production of Verdi’s unforgettable tale of deception, disguise and fate.

January: 16, 19, 24, 30

February: 5, 8, 12


Il Trovatore

Verdi’s tale of love and revenge is passionate, mysterious, violent and thoroughly human; while his melodies – urgent, foreboding and haunting – convey the spirit and pulse of revolution.

January: 29

February: 1, 6, 9, 20, 23, 26

March: 2, 5



In a richly-detailed narrative of thwarted desires, merriment, temptation and rebuff, Falstaff is an astute celebration of life and love, and a feast for the senses that is sure to delight opera fans of all ages.

February: 15, 19, 22, 27

March: 6, 9, 14, 16


Orpheus in the Underworld

Sparkling melodies, cartoonish delights, pyrotechnics and fast-paced dance routines make this production of Offenbach’s operetta a treat for all ages.

February: 28

March: 7, 9, 11, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27


The Force of Destiny

Welcome to a thrilling version of Verdi's classic opera of vendetta, elopement, love, vengeance and doom. A dramatic production where clandle-lit interiors and earthy exteriors change in the blink of an eye.

June: 29

July: 2, 5, 10, 13, 17, 20, 23




Открытие Сиднейского оперного театра  

Сиднейский оперный театр (англ. Sydney Opera House) — музыкальный театр в Сиднее, одно из наиболее известных и легко узнаваемых зданий мира, являющееся символом крупнейшего города Австралии и одной из главных достопримечательностей континента — парусообразные оболочки, образующие крышу, делают это здание непохожим ни на одно другое в мире. Оперный театр признан одним из выдающихся сооружений современной архитектуры в мире и с 1973 года является, наряду с мостом Харбор-Бридж, визитной карточкой Сиднея.


Сиднейский оперный театр был открыт 20 октября 1973 года королевой Англии Елизаветой II. Включен в список всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.


Сиднейский оперный театр находится в сиднейской гавани, на Беннелонг-Пойнт. Это место получило такое название по имени австралийского аборигена, друга первого губернатора колонии. До 1958 года на месте театра находилось трамвайное депо, а ещё ранее — форт.

Архитектором оперного театра является датчанин Йорн Утзон, который за проект получил Притцкеровскую премию в 2003 году.


 Несмотря на применённую концепцию сферических оболочек, решавшую все проблемы строительства и удачно подходящую для массового производства, точного изготовления и простоты монтажа, - строительство затянулось, в основном из-за внутренней отделки помещений. Планировалось что строительство театра займет четыре года и будет стоить семь миллионов австралийских долларов. Однако опера строилась целых четырнадцать лет и обошлась в 102 миллиона долларов.

Чертежи Сиднейского оперного театра

Строительство здания






Королева Елизавета II и премьер Роберт Аскин на открытии Сиднейского оперного театра, октябрь 1973г.

Открытие Сиднейского оперного театра 

Королева Елизавета II и принц Филипп на открытии Сиднейского оперного театра.


Билл и Имельда Роше, австралийские бизнесмены.


Королева Елизавета II посетила концерт в честь открытия Сиднейского оперного театра и встретилась с артистами, 20 октября 1973 г./фотограф Джек Хиксон.


Королева Елизавета на открытии Сиднейского оперного театра, 20 октября 1973 г./фотограф Джек Хиксон.


Первое представление на сцене Сиднейского оперного театра - "Война и мир"


Открытие Сиднейского оперного театра, видео


Ее Величество королева Елизавета II произносит речь на открытии Сидейского оперного театра, видео.

Источники фото:

National Archives of Australia,

Sydney Opera House,

State Library of New South Wales collection's photo stream



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