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Datum objave: 14.01.2014


NBC Broadcast

Toscanini NBC Broadcast April 19th 1941

An all Tchaikovsky Program to benefit the Junior Welfare League.

Voyevoda: Overture

Symphony No. 6 in B Minor Op.74 'Pathétique'

Piano Concerto No.1 in B-flat Minor Op.23

(Piano: Vladimir Horowitz)

NBC Symphony Orchestra

Carnegie Hall, New York City

April 19th 1941

Photo: Vladimir Horowitz and Wanda Toscanini pictured on their wedding day in 1933. Violinist Nathan Milstein can be seen at far left, and Carla Toscanini at far right. Wanda Toscanini Horowitz was sole heir to her husband's fortune, and upon her death in 1998, left the bulk of her estate to animal charities, humane societies, and adoption centers, including her Upper East Side Manhattan townhouse to Guiding Eyes for the Blind in Yorktown Heights, NY.


Toscanini NBC Broadcast October 31st 1943

This broadcast ran beyond the scheduled hour and was cut off the air while the Beethoven was still in progress. On learning of this Toscanini was furious, leading to an NBC policy elevating him to a position held only by the President of the United States: that President Roosevelt and Toscanini were the only persons in the world to be free from network time and program restrictions.

Mozart: Overture to the Magic Flute

Haydn : Symphony No.104 in D Major

Beethoven : Symphony No. 8 in F Major

NBC Symphony Orchestra

NBC Studio 8-H, New York City

October 31st 1943

Photo: Toscanini recording Verdi's 'Inno delle Nazioni' for the United States Office of War Information in December 1943.


Toscanini Reopens La Scala in 1946 (Plus Extra Material)

The gala reopening of La Scala on May 11th 1946 was one of the most momentous musical events of the 20th Century. It marked the beginning of a restored belief by Italians in their beloved Italy and it was the emotional high point of Arturo Toscanini's long career.

Richard Caniell writes: "To see Toscanini in Italy again, to see him on the stage of La Scala, was to be flooded with inexpressable things which have no language but exultation, thanksgiving and tears. That night Italy wept, and so did hundreds of thousands all over Europe, amidst blackened ruins and searing poverty. The thing that makes us human, that makes our planetary race worth saving, had triumphed - the music, the art, the sublime spirit of it all which Toscanini, and those who labored, sang and played at La Scala, momentarily and unforgettably symbolized."


Astonishingly, though it was broadcast all over Europe and much of the world, no official recording was made of this concert. Unofficial versions have been in circulation for a long time in various formats and in varying sound quality, ranging from truly awful to not bad. The professionally processed 400MB lossless audio file used for this upload is one of the the best I have heard, yet it still has sonic flaws and sounds relatively primitive for 1946.

As a special thank you to all the friends of and subscribers to my channel I have provided some links below to download the original poster for the concert, the cover of La Domenica del Corriere on May 9th, Life Magazine's article on May 27th, and an article from La Nacion of Buenos Aries on July 28th.


Rossini: La Gazza Ladra: Overture

Rossini: William Tell: Wedding Chorus; Passo a sei; and the Soldier's Dance

Rossini: Mose: Preghiera

(Soloists: Tancredi Pasero, Giovanni Malipiero, Renata Tebaldi, Jolanda Gardino)


Verdi: Nabucco: Overture; Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves

Verdi: Vespri Siciliani: Overture

Verdi: Te Deum

(Soloist: Renata Tebaldi)


Puccini: Manon Lescaut: Intermezzo & Act III

(Soloists: Mafalda Favero, Giovanni Malipiero, Giuseppe Nessi, Mariano Stabile, Carlo Forti)

Boito: Mefistofele: Prologue

(Soloist: Tancredi Pasero)


Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan

(Maestro del Coro: Vittore Veneziani)

May 11th 1946


Included are twenty photos taking up the first 45 minutes of the video of the damaged Scala, posters depicting "Ritorni Toscanini" and "Evviva Toscanini" outside of the building following Mussolini's deposition in 1943, Toscanini's return to Italy on April 29th 1946, the rehearsals, the auditorium, and the concert itself.

Original La Scala Poster

Cover of La Domenica del Corriere

Life Magazine Article

La Nacion of Buenos Aries Article



Toscanini NBC Broadcast November 12th 1949

The complete broadcast of November 12th 1949 with NBC radio commentary by Ben Grauer.

Cimarosa: Il matrimonio per raggiro: Overture

Schumann: Symphony No.3 in E-flat Major Op.97

Tchaikovsky: Romeo and Juliet: Fantasy Overture

NBC Symphony Orchestra

NBC Studio 8-H, New York City

Photo: Toscanini pictured in 1949 in his dressing room at NBC with violist Milton Katims. With Toscanini's support Katims became a frequent guest conductor of the NBC Symphony Orchestra from the 1949-50 season onwards. Katims' subsequent career included a long and significant association with the Seattle Symphony Orchestra where he was music director from 1954-76.


Toscanini NBC Broadcast November 10th 1951

Prokofiev : Classical Symphony

Berlioz : Queen Mab Scherzo

Beethoven : Symphony No.7


NBC Symphony Orchestra

Carnegie Hall, New York City

November 10th 1951

Photo: Toscanini and family (with a friend) on a liner some 20 years earlier. His salary with the New York Philharmonic was as high as $110,000 (today about $3 million) for 15 weeks work. As can be seen from the elegant attire on display, the Toscaninis were not victims of The Great Depression.

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