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Datum objave: 12.07.2017

Western Balkans Summit 2017 a Trieste

Civil Society Forum Trieste 11-12 July 2017

Western Balkans Summit 2017 a Trieste l'11 e 12 luglio

«Saranno due giornate intense e impegnative per Trieste, ma sono sicura che la città ne uscirà vincente, da protagonista» ha detto il prefetto Annapaola Porzio accogliendo oggi i giornalisti nella Sala Conferenze della prefettura di Trieste dove, alla presenza del sindaco Roberto Dipiazza e del questore Leonardo La Vigna, è stato illustrato il programma del Western Balkans Summit 2017, in programma l’11 e il 12 luglio.

«D’altra parte» ha continuato Porzio «la scelta della città per lo svolgimento di questo importante meeting non è casuale ma frutto della riflessione sulla circostanza che Trieste è il punto di contatto naturale tra l’Europa e i Balcani occidentali. E avviene in un momento di particolare importanza in cui l’Europa sta prendendo in considerazione le candidature di questi paesi che sono i nostri vicini di casa.»

Western Balkans Summit 2017

Al Summit partecipano 13 Capi di Stato e di governo (Austria, Croazia, Francia, Germania, Italia, Regno Unito, Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia Erzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia-FYROM, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia), con i rispettivi ministri degli Affari esteri, dei Trasporti e dello Sviluppo economico, l’Alto rappresentante dell'Unione per gli Affari esteri e la politica di sicurezza Federica Mogherini, il Commissario europeo per la politica di vicinato e i negoziati per l'allargamento Johannes Hahn, il Commissario europeo ai trasporti Violeta Bulc, e anche i vertici di Organizzazioni Internazionali e delle Banche di sviluppo.

In prefettura si incontreranno i leader dei paesi partecipanti, mentre nel Palazzo della Regione si riuniranno i ministri degli Esteri e dei Trasporti. Infine in Stazione marittima avrà luogo il Business Forum alla presenza dei ministri dello Sviluppo economico.

A latere delle iniziative ufficiali si svolgeranno il Civil Society Forum, con il coinvolgimento delle personalità scientifiche, dei rappresentanti di organizzazioni culturali e della società civile e lo Youth Forum, sessione dedicata ai giovani, studenti e non, che avrà luogo all’Università degli studi di Trieste.

Infine nel pomeriggio del 12 sarà inaugurato alla Camera di Commercio in piazza Borsa il Segretariato generale delle Camere di commercio dei Balcani occidentali.

Le misure per l'incolumità e la sicurezza pubblica

Per il vertice è stato previsto un dispositivo di sicurezza che è stato studiato in modo da essere il più rispettoso possibile della vita della città, ma che tiene conto della contemporanea presenza di tante personalità italiane ed estere di così alto livello. «L’area di massima riservatezza individuata» ha spiegato il prefetto Porzio «è quella che consente di garantire la migliore tutela ai partecipanti ma anche la minima incidenza possibile sulla vita della città. Si é lavorato per assicurare ai cittadini la fruibilità dei servizi. Naturalmente qualche disagio ci sarà, ma contenuto nel tempo e nello spazio. È stato fatto un grande sforzo per riuscire in questa attività che ha visto lavorare insieme tutte le forze di polizia di terra e di mare, capitaneria di porto, vigili del fuoco e polizia locale, che ringrazio di cuore. La questura, in particolare, che sta coordinando il complesso dispositivo.»

Le chiusure riguarderanno il giorno 12 luglio l’area di piazza dell’Unità d’Italia fino all’hotel Excelsior e una parte di Cavana, mentre alcuni divieti di sosta nelle aree interessate e sulle rive saranno operative già da martedì 11. Tutti i residenti e coloro che lavorano nelle aree interessate potranno entrare muniti di badge che sarà rilasciato dalla Questura di Trieste, previa richiesta. Gli esercizi commerciali potranno rimanere aperti, a propria discrezione.

Interdetta anche la navigazione: il traffico dei mezzi nautici sarà vietato nei bacini San Marco, San Giusto e San Giorgio, mentre saranno libere le altre direttrici verso il golfo. Soppresse le corse del Delfino verde il 12 luglio.

2017 Western Balkans Summit, Trieste,_Trieste

The 2017 Western Balkans Summit in Trieste, Italy is the upcoming fourth annual summit within the Berlin Process initiative for European integration of Western Balkans states. Previous summits took place in Berlin in 2014, Vienna in 2015 and in Paris in 2016. Heads of government, foreign ministers and the ministers of economy of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo[a], Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, as well as EU member states from the region Croatia, Slovenia and EU member states Austria, France, Germany, Italy as well as representatives of the European Union and the International Financial Institutions are expected to attend.

Both Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany, and Emmanuel Macron, the president of France, are to deliver speeches at the summit.

Issues outlined in the 16 March Joint Statement include laying foundations for a common Balkan market, increased regional cooperation, improving and expanding infrastructure and energy services, curbing migration, and fighting corruption, terrorism, and radicalism. The talks of Germany and the EU funding infrastructure and rebuilding war-torn areas in the region has been compared to The Marshall Plan, being dubbed The Balkan Marshall Plan.

Civil Society Forum Trieste

11-12 July 2017

The Civil Society Forum Trieste will be organised linked to the 4th intergovernmental Summit of Western Balkans and EU countries and it will bring together representatives of civil society organisations with the objective of providing a platform for their impact on the so-called Berlin Process. The Forum will consider the topics high on the agenda of the political Summit: youth cooperation, rule of law and anti-corruption, enterprise development and innovation potentials, regional cooperation and bilateral issues; also, it will initiate debates on questions as environment, energy and climate change, migrations, media freedoms, the issue of Brexit in relevance to the Western Balkans and the possible role of civil society in increasing the efficiency of the Berlin Process through communications.

The Civil Society Forum policy recommendations are being formulated for topics which are in line with the priority themes of the upcoming Trieste Summit and were developed in consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy, as hosts of this year’s Summit: business environment and innovation, rule of law, youth cooperation, regional cooperation and bilateral issues. The recommendations were prepared during an expert meeting (Civil Society Forum in Tirana, April 2017), and with inputs provided through a broad online consultation process. As result of the online consultation process with the involvement of a wide circle of CSOs from all over the Balkans, two more topics will be included in the final document of summarising the CSF policy recommendations: Environment, Energy and Climate Change and Communicating the Berlin Process in the time of rising populism – possible roles of civil society.

The outcomes of the Civil Society Forum meeting in Trieste will be communicated to the intergovernmental Summit in several ways: at a policy event attended by a number of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and a number of representatives of civil society of the Western Balkans, on July 12; at a press conference organised by the Civil Society Forum; in form of recommendations which will be presented to the Summit organisers and through the follow-up advocacy process.

Therefore, the Civil Society Forum will contribute to the Berlin Process in two ways: by extending its democratic potential, through inclusion of citizens in its proceedings, as well as by presenting technical and expert support to fulfilment of the Process goals, through own engagement in pushing forward the cooperation and the reform agenda in the region.

The Civil Society Forum Trieste is organised under the umbrella of the Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans Summit Series, as a joint initiative of the European Fund for the Balkans (EFB), ERSTE Foundation and the Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung, in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation (HBF), and in close cooperation with the Central European Initiative (CEI), Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Centro Studi Politica Internazionale (CESPI) and Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso.

Johannes Hahn

Johannes Hahn (born 2 December 1957) is an Austrian politician, who since November 2014 is Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy & Enlargement Negotiations.[1] He previously served as European Commissioner for Regional Policy in the second Barroso Commission, succeeding Benita Ferrero-Waldner as Austria's EU representative.

During his term as EU Commissioner for Regional Policy (February 2010-November 2014) Johannes Hahn implemented the most ambitious and comprehensive reform of EU Regional Policy so far. The main achievement of the reform is the transformation of Regional Policy from a subvention into a genuine investment policy, closely linked with EU economic governance and macro-economic conditions. This allows e.g. to modify programmes to support key structural reforms.

The reform refocuses investments in the real economy and on priority areas which create sustainable jobs and foster growth such as the low carbon economy, support for small and medium enterprises, innovation & research, education and training. The introduction of clearly defined conditions as well as a better evaluation system make sure that the principle of "better spending" is actually safeguarded.

Based on the new regulation, most European regions have developed so called smart specialisation strategies to identify their particular strengths and potentials as the basis for investments.

Despite cuts in the overall EU budget, EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn succeeded to keep the high level of financial support for strategic investments in the new period (2014-2020): Funding for regional and cohesion policy in 2014-2020 amounts to 351,8 bn EUR. The reform, endorsed by the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament with overwhelming majority and strongly supported also by stakeholders and the Committee of the Regions, established Hahn's reputation as a "forward looking, bold reformer". More detailed information on the fundamental reform of Regional Policy can be found here: Cohesion Policy Reform in 10 points The Reform of Cohesion Policy

In his new portfolio, Commissioner Hahn launched, together with High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, a comprehensive reform of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), as mandated by Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

Dr. Hahn is a member of the Österreichische Volkspartei (ÖVP) and the European People's Party (EPP).In February 2011, renewed allegations of plagiarism on his doctoral thesis emerged. In November 2011 Johannes Hahn was cleared of all allegations regarding "plagiarism" in a comprehensive analysis of his thesis. The analytical study was mandated by the University of Vienna and carried out by independent international scientific experts.

Johannes Hahn

European Neighbourhood Policy & Enlargement Negotiations


Deepening relations with neighbours of the EU to the south and east, in the EU's interest and in the interests of our partners

Promoting stability at Europe’s borders and helping neighbouring countries to develop stable democratic institutions and to become more prosperous, under the European Neighbourhood Policy.

Coordinating the EU's offer of closer cooperation in areas like trade, mobility, energy, and education to create tailor-made partnerships to develop relations with each neighbour.

Continuing ongoing EU membership negotiations, and helping to prepare those countries with a membership perspective for future challenges.

Supporting pre-accession countries in implementing democratic and economic reforms, upholding the rule of law, strengthening economic governance and competitiveness, developing a well-functioning public administration, and building bridges with neighbouring countries.

Johannes Hahn is part of the following Project Teams:

Europe in the World

Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness

Better Regulation and Interinstitutional Affairs

Budget and Human Resources


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