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Datum objave: 07.04.2012

Yoji Koyama

Professor Emeritus

Yoji Koyama's profile

Affiliation: Niigata University

Full title: Professor Emeritus


South Eastern Europe in Transition: A Quest for Stabilization of the Region after the Breakup of the Former Yugoslavia

Graduate School of Contemporary Society and Culture, Niigata University   2003  


Self-Managing Socialism : Regime of the 1974 Constitution in Former Yugoslavia

Niigata University, Faculty of Economics    

A Study on the Actual Situation of Self-management in Yugoslavia


The Self-managing Community of Interest(SIZ) in Yugoslavia : With Reference to Local Autonomy

The Journal of Economics Niigata University Niigata University Economic Society   (35) 45-65   1984

An Empirical Study on the Mechanisms of Self-management in places of work and Living and Rural Area in Yugoslavia


The Recent Economic Situation in Yugoslavia and the Role of Work Organizations

The Journal of Economics Niigata University Niigata University Economic Society   (41-42) 121-134   1987

Japanese Economy : Aspect of Development

The Journal of Economics Niigata University Niigata University Economic Society   (51) 27-42   1991


Gospodarsko prestrukturiranje in internationalizacija v Sloveniji: strategija majhne drzave za prezivete in razvoj [translation into Slovenian from an English paper: A Small Country's Strategy for Survival and Development]

Uspesna Nedozorelost, ed. by Miroslav Stanojevic, Fakulteta za druzbene vede, Ljubjana   2001  

Economic Restructuring and Internationalization of Slovenia [Original title: Economic Restructuring and Thorough Internationalization in Slovenia: A Small Country's Strategy for Survival and Development, Contributed to a book at Editor's request]

Internationalization in Central and Eastern Europe, ed. by Marin A. Marinov, Ashgate   2002  

South Eastern Europe in Transition: A Quest for Stabilization of the Regime after the Breakup of the Former Yugoslavia, 218+vi, Niigata University Scholars Series, Vol.1, Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture, Niigata University, 2003.

Yugo, Jishukanri Shakaishugi no Kenkyu: 1974 Nen Kenpoh Taisei no Dohtai [A Study of Yugoslav Self-managed Socialism: Movement of the Regime of the 1974 Constitution], 374p+xviii, Tokyo: Taga Shuppan, 1996.  (in Japanese)

EU no Toho Kakudai to Nan To'oh: Shijo Keizaika to Shokoku no Ikinokori Senryaku [EU's Eastward Enlargement and South Eastern Europe: Transition to a Market Economy and Small Countries' Strategies for Survival], 272p+xiv, Kyoto: Minerva Shobo, 2004. (in Japanese)


A two-year project: An Empirical Study on the EU's Stabilization and Association Process and the Economic Development in the Western Balkans, 2007-2008, sponsored by the Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences (JSPS)



Macedonian nation did not have its own state until the 20th century. After World War II Macedonia formed a Republic within the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (former Yugoslavia). The region where Macedonians live is not confined to this Republic but it extends over to the western part of Bulgaria and the northern part of Greece. This fact has been an underlying cause of disputes with the neighbouring countries. With the disintegration of former Yugoslavia in 1991, Macedonia became an independent state. The newly-born country was admitted to the United Nations in April 1993. Similar to other Republics of the former Yugoslavia, Macedonia had to carry out double transition, i.e. transition to a market economy and transition from a regional to a national economy. The Republic of Macedonia has ethnic minorities within the country. According to the census of 1994, Macedonians had the biggest population (66.6%), followed by Albanians (22.7%), Turkish (4.0%), Romanies (2.2%), Serbs (2.1%), and Vlachs 0.4%. Others and people who undeclared their nationalities accounted for 1.9% and 0.1% respectively (Macedonian Academy 1997: XII).


The Balkan Peninsula has been a region where battles were often repeated as it has been called ‘Europe’s powder keg’. With the regime change, ethnicity problems, which were contained during the socialist period, came to surface. It is still fresh in our memory that ethnic conflicts occurred after the breakup of the former Yugoslavia and also in 1999 over the Kosovo problem. A group of countries – Albania and successor countries of the former Yugoslavia excluding Slovenia – is called the Western Balkans by the European Union (EU). In May 1999 the EU launched a new approach to the Western Balkans, i.e. ‘Stabilization and Association Process’ (SAP) which was different from the approach to Central European and Baltic countries.


For a newly independent small country to survive a market economy, it is required to tackle the following tasks:

 to settle domestic conflicts,

 establish good relationship with neighboring countries and

 secure economic independence. Western Balkan countries, which have experienced ethnic conflicts and still have domestic ethnic problems, would not be assured of their survival as long as they remain outside the European Union. Therefore, a prospect to joint the EU is very important for these countries.


This paper examines how Macedonia has been tackling the above mentioned tasks, proceeding toward EU accession in the context of the EU’s Stabilization and Association Process. In the discussion Slovenia, which consisted of the former Yugoslavia and is now an EU member country, is utilized as a benchmark.


Study on Economic Reconstruction,Regional Economic Cooperation and Stabilization in South Eastern Europe

Study on Integration of Economy of the Russian Far East into the Northeastern(Japan Sea Rim) Economic Area

Interdisciplinary study on Globalization and Regions

International Comparison of Investment Climate: Central Eastern Europe vs. South Eastern Europe and the Russian Far Eeat

Project Year: 2003 - 2006

A Study on European Union' Stabilization and Association Process and Economic Development of the West Balkans

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

Project Year: 2007 – 2008


Last updated: 2009.

Affiliation     Former Institution / Organization Niigata University Faculty of Economics Department of Economics, Daytime Course

Job title        Professor

Degree         Ph.D. in Economics, MSc in International Relations, BSc in Liberal Arts

Research Keywords

Comparative Economic System(2) , Transition to Market Economies in Russia and Eastern Europe(1) , East European Economy(1)

Research Areas

Economics / Economic theory(1447) /

Economics / Economic policy(2120) /





Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Humanities

and Sciences, Kochi University




Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Humanities,


Kochi University





Associate Professor, Faculty of General Education, Niigata University



Academic Background


The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Sociology


The Construction of Socialism in the USSR during the First Five Year Plan(1928-1932)

Research Report of Kochi University   27 59-75   1979

Similarity between Yugoslav Socialism and NEP(New Economic Policy) of the USSR in the 1920s

Research Report of Kochi University   28 1-5   1980

Marketing Strategies in the Russian Market by Japanese Manufacturing Companies: The Case of Ricoh and Canon in Russia Join Authorship with Eiko Tomiyama and Tsuneo Nagayama

Entry and Marketing Strategies into and from Central and Eastern Europe, ed. by Jorma Larimo, University of Vaasa, Finland   2002  

Study on Economic Reconstruction,Regional Economic Cooperation and Stabilization in South Eastern Europe

Study on Integration of Economy of the Russian Far East into the Northeastern(Japan Sea Rim) Economic Area

Interdisciplinary study on Globalization and Regions

International Comparison of Investment Climate: Central Eastern Europe vs. South Eastern Europe and the Russian Far Eeat

Project Year: 2003 - 2006

A Study on European Union' Stabilization and Association Process and Economic Development of the West Balkans

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

Project Year: 2007 – 2008




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