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Prof.dr. Alemka Markotić izabrana je za ženu godine u izboru časopisa Zaposlena

Autor: admin | Datum: 22.08.2020
Zahvaljujem se svojoj drugoj domovini
Kategorije: Društvo

Jobs of famous people before they made it big

Autor: admin | Datum: 22.08.2020
before and now
Kategorije: Fenomeni

Navalny associate: German doctors gain access in Russia

Autor: admin | Datum: 21.08.2020
born 4 June 1976 is a Russian politician and anti-corruption activist
Kategorije: Fenomeni

Porgy and Bess

Autor: admin | Datum: 21.08.2020
Kategorije: Glazba

John 'Jack' Schlossberg is spotted in New York City with his mother Caroline Kennedy on the anniversary of his uncle JFK Jr's plane crash death

Autor: admin | Datum: 21.08.2020
The duo were seen walking along Park Avenue Tuesday morning.
Kategorije: Ostalo

ZEMLJA SUTRA PRELAZI ‘TMURNI PRAG’: Čovječanstvo je potrošilo rezerve! Evo o čemu se radi…

Autor: Dulčić | Datum: 21.08.2020
Čovječanstvo će potrošiti sve raspoložive obnovljene prirodne rezerve na Zemlji za 2020.
Kategorije: Fenomeni

Božidar Orešković

Autor: admin | Datum: 21.08.2020
Božidar Orešković (Zagreb, 21. kolovoza 1942. — Kozjača kod Velike Gorice, 10. srpnja 2010.) je hrvatski kazališni, televizijski i filmski glumac
Kategorije: Film

'We will overcome this season of darkness'Joe Biden hits out at Trump in convention speech

Autor: admin | Datum: 21.08.2020
At 77, he would be the oldest president ever elected if he defeats Mr Trump in November's election.
Kategorije: Društvo

The Malaysian 'Miracle Root' That Fixed It, Within A Matter of Days! - video

Autor: admin | Datum: 20.08.2020
Scientific Research & Evidence
Kategorije: Fenomeni
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