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Inspektor Rex

Autor: admin | Datum: 25.03.2013
Gaspare –Kaspar- Capparoni, born August 1, 1964. is an Italian actor. A native of Rome, Capparoni became a theater actor when he was 18, directed by Giuseppe Patroni Griffi. In 1984 he also appeared in the film Phenomena, directed by Dario Argento.
Kategorije: Film

Верди в стиле нуар

Autor: admin | Datum: 25.03.2013
Главные партии в спектакле исполняют известный аргентинский лирический тенор Марсело Альварес (Густав III), которого ставят в один ряд с Паваротти, Доминго и Каррерасом, Дмитрий Хворостовский (граф Анкарстрём)
Kategorije: Glazba

Смерть вокруг Березовского

Autor: admin | Datum: 25.03.2013
Московские новости, вспомнили тех, кто входил в окружение Бориса Березовского и чья жизнь оборвалась внезапно
Kategorije: Fenomeni

After Kremlin Talks

Autor: admin | Datum: 25.03.2013
In a veiled criticism of the U.S., new Chinese President Xi Jinping has denounced foreign governments that meddle in the domestic affairs of other countries, adopting rhetoric favored by President Vladimir Putin as he wrapped up his first foreign trip in Moscow.
Kategorije: Društvo

China-s First Lady Strikes Glamorous Note

Autor: admin | Datum: 25.03.2013
Peng Liyuan, China-s new first lady, is glamorous, fashionable and one of her nation-s best-known singers, a startling contrast to her dour-looking predecessors. As she accompanies her husband, President Xi Jinping, on his first trip abroad as China-s leader, Ms. Peng appears ready to carve out a new role for herself.
Kategorije: Zanimljivosti


Autor: admin | Datum: 25.03.2013
To fully understand lymphoedema it helps to know a bit more about the lymphatic system.
Kategorije: Ostalo

U.S. President Barack Obama-s speech to Israeli students in Jerusalem on March 21, 2013.

Autor: admin | Datum: 24.03.2013
Shalom. It is an honor to be here with you in Jerusalem, and I am so grateful for the welcome that I have received from the people of Israel. I bring with me the support of the American people, and the friendship that binds us together.
Kategorije: Društvo

Musée Picasso

Autor: admin | Datum: 24.03.2013
Le musée Picasso est installé dans l'hôtel Salé, un des plus beaux hôtels particuliers baroques du Marais, dans le 3e arrondissement de Paris.
Kategorije: Vizualne umjetnosti


Autor: prof.Zdravko Mršić | Datum: 24.03.2013 smije se pružiti bez spomena i ocjene trajanja Europske Ekonomske Zajednice (EEZ) i usporedbe tih dvaju projekata. EEZ je bio svestrano uspio projekt, koji je bio plod europske kontinentalne političke misli. EU je nedvojbeno neuspio projekt, koji je plod transatlantske anglo-saksonske političke misli, koja je ranije proizvela otvoreno društvo.
Kategorije: Kolumna Pusić izabrana za čelnicu HNS-a

Autor: admin | Datum: 23.03.2013
Sa 577 od ukupno 662 glasa Vesna Pusić izabrana je za predsjednicu HNS-a. Dojučerašnja potpredsjednica stranke tako je preuzela šefovsku poziciju nakon pet godina pauze. Njezin izbor nije nikakvo iznenađenje jer je Vesna Pusić jedina bila kandidirana za tu poziciju.
Kategorije: Društvo
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