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Autor: Elezović | Datum: 28.05.2013
Kategorije: Fenomeni

The Jakarta Post

Autor: admin | Datum: 28.05.2013
Jakarta Globe
Kategorije: Zanimljivosti

Woody Allen

Autor: admin | Datum: 28.05.2013
Allen stalno ponavlja savjet mladima da se ne osvrću na ono što ljudi govore i pišu o njima već da se fokusiraju na svoj rad…Allen to zaista i čini,...
Kategorije: Film

Egypt-s lost antiquities

Autor: admin | Datum: 26.05.2013
Kategorije: Fenomeni

Leaders of different countries attend OAU/AU 50th anniversary

Autor: admin | Datum: 26.05.2013
The Ministry said here Thursday that leaders of Brazil, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Ireland, Russia, and Sweden, among others, will take part in the event. It said delegations drawn from China, India, Palestine, New Zealand, Iran and Indonesia, among others, are also expected to arrive here for the same purpose. China-s gift to Africa New African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia The future is being defined by countries like Ethiopia: John Kerry
Kategorije: Društvo

The History of the Croatian National Theatre in Varaždin

Autor: admin | Datum: 26.05.2013
The current theatre building was built in 1873. according to the blueprint of the famous Viennese architect Hermann Helmer (Hamburg, 13. Juli 1849. – Vienna, 2. April 1919). Helmer designed the theatre in Varaždin independently as his first project in this proffesion.
Kategorije: Kazalište

Parents have lot to learn at school sport

Autor: admin | Datum: 25.05.2013
Dolls help kids talk about sexual abuse
Kategorije: Fenomeni


Autor: Nada Far | Datum: 25.05.2013
Žurim, žurim, moram do dućana, baš mi je drago da smo se srele, ajde Bok..
Kategorije: Književnost

Uz polustoljetni jubilej Odsjeka za sociologiju FF u Zagrebu

Autor: Ivana Barbarić,prof. | Datum: 25.05.2013
Kad govorimo o suvremenoj sociologijskoj teoriji, onda zasigurno možemo govoriti o ekonomskim deterministima, ranom hegelijanskom marksizmu (György Lukács i Antoni Gramsci), kritičkoj ili Frankfurtskoj školi (Jürgen Habermas), ali i o strukturalnom marksizmu.
Kategorije: Fenomeni

U operi Norma na osječkoj pozornici...

Autor: admin | Datum: 25.05.2013
Opera Vincenza Bellinija Norma, biser belkanta, premijerno je izvedena na pozornici Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Osijeku.
Kategorije: Glazba
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